Phantom Of The Opera

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As the days passed, Ade realised that Urchin was already close to breaking up, as both Andy and Alan were growing more discontent with the decreasing number of shows they were playing. In addition, Barry, who'd gotten married hastily after he and his girlfriend unexpectedly found themselves parents-to-be, had already confided to him that he was thinking about quitting in order to concentrate on his day job and properly supporting his new family.

Ade, after getting confirmation from Steve that he would be welcome in Maiden once they got back from Europe, quietly let Barry know that he planned to break up the band in a couple of months and asked him to stick around that long, so that Urchin could play the remaining shows they had scheduled. Barry agreed. He spoke separately to Andy and Alan as well; the guitarist and the bassist both agreed to simply play out their scheduled shows and move on with no hard feelings. None of the three of them really cared that Urchin never made it past the pub circuit; they were just sorry to lose the extra cash from the area shows they'd played.

Dave had been gone for just over a month when Urchin played what would be their second to last gig, at a small festival on the northern outskirts of Guildford. After their set and loading their gear into the van borrowed from Ade's father, Barry and Alan headed back to Hackney. Andy, who was riding with Ade in the van, suggested the two of them stick around for a bit and have a beer before leaving. Not wanting to annoy the other guitarist this close to the end of the band, Ade agreed and the two of them headed for the beer tents.

One beer led to several more, and soon Ade was feeling no pain. He chattered happily about guitar techniques he'd seen other performers using during the festival, drawing the attention of several girls, who gathered around him and Andy. Ade, rambling about Johnny Winter's influence on his playing, failed to notice that Andy had selected a pair of birds and was slowly moving themselves and the chosen two girls away from the beer tent and towards the poorly lit performers' car park and the van there.

Andy found some floor space in between the amps and drums and pulled one of the girls into the back with him. The other girl nudged Ade into the front passenger seat and ran her hands over his chest, following them with her lips.

"Wha...?" Ade mumbled, getting the feeling that something wasn't quite right.

"Shh," the girl whispered. "We mustn't get caught, you know. Just sit back and let me make you feel good."

Ade squinted, unable to make out anything more than blond hair in the semi-darkness of the car park. In his inebriated state, he came to the conclusion that Dave had found him somehow, and nodded. "Right," he agreed, feeling hands unfastening his trousers as his cock stirred with anticipation. Slender fingers drew him out of his pants and soft lips wrapped around his erection. He sank his hands into the soft blond hair, moaning softly. "Missed you so much, baby," he mumbled. "Feels so good... not gonna last..." The blond hair bobbed enthusiastically at his words, quickly bringing him to a powerful orgasm. He stroked the hair still in his lap, then froze as he realised the fingers on his thighs were soft and not callused. His stomach started to churn as he slowly pulled his hands away from that blond hair.

Brown eyes looked up at him over smeared lipstick as the girl gave him a smile. That smile turned into a look of alarm as Ade groaned and clapped a hand over his mouth. She jerked back quickly, letting him scramble hastily from the van, trousers and pants still around his knees as he doubled over, hurling up what felt like everything he'd consumed in the last week.

"Sorry," he choked out in between heaves. It wasn't her fault, after all. He never should have let Andy talk him into going drinking, or at the very least, he should have paced himself better and remained fully aware of his surroundings.

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