These Colours Don't Run

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As it turned out, Dave and Ade would leave for Hawaii on the last flight out that night. They checked their 'home' watches. "I can call Tamar now," Dave said. "It's still early enough in the evening there that I'll not disturb anyone by calling, and she'll know to expect us soon."

"Not me, it's the middle of the night at home," Ade said. "But I should be able to catch Nathalie at home as soon as we've landed in Hawaii.

Dave made his call, letting Tamar know that Ade would be visiting for a day or two before going on to Montreal. The two then hurried to pack their bags, saying their farewells to their bandmates as they waited for their taxi to the airport.

"So what are you two gonna do, since we've got a couple of extra days?" Nicko asked from where he sat with his injured foot propped up on a coffee table.

"I'm gonna fish in Hawaii before I go home," Ade laughed. "And we're thinking about going straight to California from South America and having our kids meet us there to go to Disneyland, so we've gotta see if they've got any hotel rooms left, so's we know if that plan might work out or not."

"Yeah, we'd hoped to have the trip set up by now, but given the time zone differences, we've not been able to talk to actual people to try to set things up," Dave said. "We've a few too many questions to rely on email, especially when we can't always get on computers every day. Hopefully we'll be able to set things in motion once we're back in the States."

"And before I head back to Canada," Ade joked. "Although I could always just trust Davey to set the trip up for both our families."

Dave flipped two fingers at Ade. "Sure, I'll set the whole thing up – as long as you give me your credit card to pay for it all!"

"Oh, fuck you, wanker," Ade laughed, as did everyone else.

The taxi pulled up, so Dave and Ade grabbed their bags and hurried out.

After a long but uneventful flight, they landed in Honolulu, where Tamar met them and drove them to the ferry for the trip to Maui. "What progress have you made regarding the Disney trip you two were talking about?" she asked once they'd loaded the luggage and started the drive to the port.

"Not as much as we'd have liked, thanks to the time difference," Dave admitted. "We're hoping to get some of that done whilst we're here, or at least before we have to meet up in Bogota."

"We know it's going to be tight as far as getting the reservations this close to when we want to go," Ade put in, "but we figure that if we can't stay in one of the Disneyland hotels, we'll just find a hotel within a reasonable driving distance and book there instead, then just drive to the park each day."

"And I got the feeling that Nicko might be interested in flying Justin and maybe Becky out to Disneyland as well, although I don't know why seeing as they've got Disney World in their home state," Dave said. "Dunno, maybe Becky would want to go just so she can say she's been to both? Cos I remember she and Nicko went to Euro Disney when we had a couple days off in France that time."

"Seriously?" Ade asked.

"Seriously," Dave confirmed. "Mind, I don't know that's what he's wanting to do, it's just a feeling I got, seeing how interested he was in hearing about us looking into going.

"So you'll definitely have Tasha and the Smith kids out to California, then, you just don't know where you'll be staying yet?" Tamar asked.

"Yeah," said Dave. "Absolute worst-case scenario and we can't get a hotel anywhere near Disneyland, we'll get a hotel elsewhere and take the kids to Knott's Berry Farm or something."

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