Infinite Dreams

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Dave could only stay for a few days before he needed to return to Honolulu so he'd not miss another try for a baby according to the chart that Tamar had worked out. Lying beside his wife afterward, Dave hesitated, but asked quietly, "Tamar? Would you prefer we go about trying to have a baby in a... a less conventional way?"

"Less conventional? What do you mean?" Tamar asked.

"Well... you know I'm not exactly comfortable sleeping with a woman, and I know you'd rather not sleep with anyone, full stop," Dave said awkwardly. "Ade was joking when he suggested this, but I've been thinking about it and it might be a better idea than us continuing to force ourselves to have sex together. He suggested that we might, erm, use a turkey baster instead."

"A... turkey baster?" Tamar giggled, dissipating the usual awkwardness that tended to spring up after their attempts due to the discomfort both of them felt with the physical aspect of their marriage. "I'm not sure I can picture that, but I'm intrigued."

Dave shrugged a little. "Well, basically, I'd wank in a cup, then use the turkey baster to, erm, deposit it where it needs to go. I thought the idea was pretty funny myself the first time he mentioned it, but yeah. Might be more effective than if we both keep closing our eyes and thinking of England. I mean, we both know that neither of us wants to have sex together more than once a month, but if we do the turkey baster thing, maybe we could try, erm, making the deposit, three or four days in a row, up the chances a little."

Tamar looked thoughtful. "You know, that's actually not a bad idea.," she agreed. "Especially doing the, uh, deposit three or four days in a row. I know I couldn't handle trying to sleep with you that often and I'm willing to bet you'd have trouble with it happening that often, too. But at the same time, you're right that more often would increase the chances of me getting pregnant."

"I'd like for you to maybe come out on tour for a bit sometimes, too," Dave said. "I can check the dates to see when we'll not be sleeping on the bus, y'know? There's plenty of space for you to ride with us between stops as long as we'll be in hotels overnight, or we can hire a car and driver if you'd rather we have privacy instead." He chuckled and added, "I don't blame you if you do. I know we can be a pretty rowdy lot at times."

"Oh, you're not that bad," Tamar said with a laugh of her own. "But if I do come out with you, we won't lose months of trying for a baby, so I think I will."

Dave smiled. "I'm glad you'll come," he said. "You're my best friend, y'know? And I don't mind admitting that this coming tour is gonna be hard on me, what with Ade not being there and all. It's obviously not the same thing, but having your company, having you there to do stuff with on break days, I think that'll help. Yeah, I'm used to golfing with Nicko whilst Ade goes off fishing, but that don't happen on every day off. I'd like to go sightseeing 'round whatever city we might be in with you, take you to art galleries if there are any, whatever you'd care to do."

"Really?" Tamar smiled as well. "I would like to see some of the galleries in various European cities. Mom and Dad never wanted to go overseas. Probably because the flight to the mainland from Hawaii is long enough," she added with a chuckle.

"It is," Dave agreed ruefully. "It's why I'd plan to fly from Europe to New York or Chicago and take a day or two before coming back here even if flying to Montreal for a visit with Ade wasn't happening for some reason. There's only so long one can spend in a metal tube at one time without going mad."

"Noted," Tamar said, a little more seriously. "We'll have to figure out schedules and all, especially if you have to go overseas ahead of me. But yeah, it's good to know that trying to fly direct from here to Europe isn't the best idea."

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