Caught Somewhere In Time

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Dave smiled at Tamar as she walked carefully into the kitchen of their new Maui home. She still tired easily, but could walk unaided, drive, and generally handle day to day activities with few or no problems. "How are you feeling this morning?" he asked. "Ready to enjoy the place without me getting in your way for a bit?"

Tamar chuckled. "Well, it'll give me the chance to prove to Mom that I really have recovered," she said with a grin. "Looking forward to meeting up with the band for your songwriting retreat?"

"Yeah, I am," Dave said. "Ade's shown me a bit of what he's written, and I think he's had some really good ideas this time 'round." He and Ade had managed to get together for a few days every six weeks or so, over the seven months since the World Slavery tour ended. Now the whole band was headed for Jersey for their usual month of pitching ideas and writing songs. A month or so after that, they'd be hitting the studio – or studios, as the plan went for this time around, as Rod had brought up the possibility of them recording their individual parts and then mixing the tracks at a later time.

"How are he and Nathalie doing?" Tamar asked. "I know he said when he came here to fish, that the two of them intended marrying, but weren't going to get engaged just yet, which I didn't understand, but I didn't want to ask, either."

"Oh, that's because of Donna," Dave said. "She's agreed that she and Nathalie need to be in the same sort of arrangement as Ade and I have, but she's still, dunno, reluctant? I don't think that's the right word, but anyway, it's a case of, she's asked that Nathalie not get engaged before she does. And she does have a bloke she's dating now, Ade tells me, some actor from one of the daytime telly dramas who's trying to hide his own sexuality from the studio. I think he's as nervous about marrying a woman as she is about marrying a man, but hopefully they'll get over their nerves and at least get engaged soon."

"From your lips to God's ears," Tamar said with a smile. "I'm with you in hoping Donna and her fellow get over their nerves soon, so that Nathalie and Ade can get on with their plans. And meanwhile, this month is going to be my test flight, so to speak, as far as seeing if I can manage completely on my own without help."

"But you will call your mum if you do need help, right?" Dave asked. "I don't want you setting your recovery back at all."

Tamar smiled and gave him a hug. "I promise. You're sweet to worry."

Dave smiled, returning the hug. "Why shouldn't I worry? Maybe we're not a conventional couple, but I do care about you, Tamar."

"As I care about you, Dave," Tamar replied. "Marriage with you makes me happy, so of course I want you as happy as possible too."

"I am," Dave said seriously. "Marriage with you is a good thing, I don't want to muck anything up."

"Well, you won't, I'm sure. All you need to do is keep on keeping things discreet with Ade, that's all I need from you. Well, and a baby or two when the time comes," Tamar grinned. "Go on, you don't have that much more time to make the ferry to Honolulu for your flight out. You and Ade have fun this month, Dave, and I'll see you when you're back."

"All right, Tamar, and you take care of yourself while I'm gone," Dave said. He gave her one more hug and picked up his bag and his guitar case before heading out the door.

After a long flight to London and a short hop to Jersey, a tired Dave arrived at the inn the band traditionally took over for their songwriting retreat. Steve and Bruce were already there and scowling at each other. Dave took one look at the two of them and shook his head. "Whatever the issue is, mates, I'm too bloody tired to mediate. Drop it for the night and have a pint, and if you still need someone to play referee, I'll deal with you in the morning." He plodded up the stairs to find his room and threw himself into bed, where he proceeded to sleep for the next ten hours.

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