Hooks In You

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Nathalie roused Ade with the help of several mugs of coffee on the morning of the 23rd, so that he'd be able to go to the airport to pick up Dave from his flight. In turn, he helped her load up her car with Dylan's baby bag and pack'n'play as well as her own overnight bag for her trip to her parents' home. She came out carrying Dylan in his car seat and locked it into place in the back seat of her car, then gave Ade a hug. "You and Dave enjoy your evening," she said. "Tell him happy birthday and give him a hug from me, okay?"

"Yeah, I will," Ade told her with a smile. "Tell your parents hello from me, and you and Dylan have a good time getting spoiled by Grandma and Grandpa."

"Oh, we will," Nathalie laughed. "Grandma and Grandpa's place tonight, Uncle Carl's tomorrow night, then we host on Christmas Day. It'll be fun."

"Yeah, it will be," Ade said. "Drive safely."

"You too," Nathalie said as she got into her car and pulled out.

Ade climbed behind the wheel of his own car and backed out as soon as she was clear, heading to the airport. As crowded as the car park was at this time of year, he simply circled the international arrivals pickup zone, pulling up to the kerb and waving as soon as he spotted Dave's bright hair in the crowd. "Dave!" he called. "Over here, mate!"

Dave beamed and waved back, hurrying his footsteps over to where Ade's car sat. "It's good to see you, Ade," he said as his lover popped the boot and got out to help him load his bags.

"You didn't bring a guitar back with you?" Ade asked, a little surprised.

Dave shrugged. "Seemed easier to leave 'em with the rest of the band's gear, given how far I'm travelling," he explained. "Besides which, I literally had to buy another suitcase to bring back all the Christmas gifts I bought at the holiday markets all over Europe. I'd have to pay extra bag fees if I brought one or more of my guitars with me, and anyway, I've a few guitars at home so I can practise over the break."

"Right, that makes sense," Ade agreed. They got into the car and left the airport. Ade reached out and took Dave's hand as they drove back to his place. "I'm so glad you made it, baby. Nathalie said to tell you happy birthday, and for us to have fun tonight."

Dave twined his fingers with his lover's, smiling happily. "I'm so glad I made it as well, and I have every intention of doing just that."

They made the rest of the relatively short drive in quiet contentment, bringing Dave's bags into Ade's room before Ade tugged Dave into his little home studio. Dave chuckled at the sight of a six-pack of beer and a box containing two elaborately decorated fairy cakes sitting on a folding table next to the old sofa.

"Gotta keep up the traditions, right?" Ade joked. "And if I forgot to mention it, Nathalie and Dylan are staying with her parents so's we've got the place to ourselves."

"Bloody hell, this is perfect," Dave laughed. "Here we are, all alone with no one to disturb us."

"Good," Ade purred. "I have been looking forward to getting you alone from the moment I saw you in the airport."

Dave stalked the few steps towards his lover, naked desire in his blue eyes. "And now that you have me alone, love, what's next, then?"

Ade leaned closer. "How about I give you your birthday blow job?" he murmured before capturing Dave's lips with his own. Sliding his hands into his lover's back pockets, Ade pulled him closer, pressing their growing erections together.

Dave's hands slid up under Ade's shirt as he moaned, calloused fingers trailing upwards to tease the other man's dark nipples into hard little points. He shifted his hips as his jeans grew uncomfortably tight.

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