Holy Smoke

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"Bruce spotted you in the audience," Dave told Ade with a grin. "He thinks we're just off to catch up over a pint, of course, but he offered to be a distraction so's I could get away from the rest of them without Harry getting in a strop over me buggering off."

"Bloody kind of him," Ade said with a grin of his own. "I hope it won't get him into trouble with Harry."

Dave snorted. "This is Bruce we're talking about, when isn't he in trouble with Harry? Bloody idiots, the pair of 'em. Anyway, he seems to feel he owes me for being so kind to Janick, not taking it out on him that you quit and all, y'know? So I wasn't about to argue when he offered to distract Harry before he could think to invite me to the pub with the rest of 'em. That, and I suspect Bruce is the only one who remembers that you live here, just cos he's good at remembering details like that."

"True enough," Ade agreed. "Janick barely met me – well, any of us, really – outside of grabbing a few pints at festivals. Harry's head is too full of management shite and new songs to remember social details; he always has Lorraine acting like his social secretary. And Nicko... well, he might remember I live here, but he'll either be intent on securing a place at the bar or else he'll be intent on finding a pay phone to call Becky, so he'll not likely be thinking about me."

"Best part is, none of 'em are likely to consider you'd be here in the hotel," Dave pointed out. "I mean, even Bruce is under the impression I ran up to my room to call you and that I'll be slipping out of the place to meet you for a pint elsewhere so that you and Harry don't come face to face."

Ade smiled. "Well, that's all to our advantage, then, innit? And I'm starting to think we're both wearing too many clothes."

"Yeah?" Dave asked with his own smile lighting his face.

"Yeah," Ade murmured, leaning in to capture Dave's lips in a slow, burning kiss. As he lost himself in that kiss, Ade gently tugged Dave towards the bed, walking backwards until his legs hit it, never once breaking their embrace. His hands found their way beneath Dave's t-shirt to caress the pale flesh beneath.

Dave responded with a shiver of his own, pushing Ade down and slipping into his lap with his legs wrapped around his lover's waist. He moaned softly as he brought his hands up, twining strong fingers into Ade's tousled hair.

That moan trailed off into a soft sound of need as Ade wrapped both arms around Dave, breaking the kiss only enough to whisper a soft, "My Davey..." a little raggedly against Dave's lips.

"My Ade," Dave whispered in return, pulling back just enough to rid them both of their shirts. "You feel so very good in my arms."

Ade purred softly, even as he blushed. "I could say the same about you, baby." He leaned closer, strong hands warm and loving on Dave's muscular arms as he turned the attention of his lips to the side of Dave's slender neck.

A soft needy moan escaped Dave's lips as he wrapped his arms around Ade once more, his hands sliding lower to dip within the back of Ade's trousers and caress his backside.

Ade moaned, hips bucking a little at the touch. He ran his tongue delicately along the line of Dave's neck that his kisses had traced. "Find something you like?" he whispered breathlessly and a little playfully against Dave's ear as he allowed his hands to slide up and over the pale flesh of his lover's chest.

"So very much," Dave replied with a soft purr. He trailed his tongue lightly over one ear as he thrust his hips, pressing the rock-hard bulge in his breeches against Ade. "You feel amazing, love."

Ade grinned impishly. "You know bloody well just how good I can feel," he murmured with playful heat. Raising his stormy grey eyes, he held Dave's gaze as callused fingers slipped down to slowly unfasten the trousers hiding the object of his desire.

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