Sea Of Madness

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Dave arrived in London, glad to be away from Maui for the next month to six weeks. He looked forward to spending time with Ade, but also to some time away from his wife. He understood Tamar's quest for children, that was part of the reason they'd married, after all, but at the same time, they both found sex with one another to be awkward as hell, even just once a month when the chart Tamar kept said she was at her most likely time to conceive. Sure, they both managed to do what they needed to, but Dave found himself getting to the point where he'd started considering the merits of using a turkey baster instead. Maybe he ought to bring up that possibility to his wife when he returned home for a month before the actual recording started.

For now, he simply looked forward to meeting up with Ade down in baggage claim and getting to a hotel, where they planned to take a couple of days to enjoy each other's company and get over the jet lag before travelling to Steve's place. Dave grabbed his suitcase and his guitars as they came around on the luggage carousel, then found a spot to sit and wait for Ade's arrival.

Ade stretched as the plane taxied up to the gate, then unfastened his seat belt and grabbed his carryon as soon as the fasten seat belts sign turned off. He hurried to get his passport stamped, then to baggage claim. His face lit up when he spotted Dave waiting by the carousels. "How was your flight, mate?" he called.

Dave's face lit as well when he heard his lover's voice. "Long, but quiet," he called back. "How was yours?"

"I've discovered that being a father gives you some instinctive responses to certain noises," Ade chuckled ruefully. "Someone had a baby a couple of rows back, and every time the sprog cried, I started to look for the baby bag so I could give a bottle or change a nappy as required."

Dave chuckled at that, then the buzzer sounded and the carousel started to move, so Ade turned his attention to grabbing his own suitcase and guitars. Dave grabbed a trolley and the two loaded it up with their things. They headed through Customs to get everything inspected, then made their way out to the rental car shuttle. After picking up the car, they drove to the hotel they'd be staying in for the next couple of days.

They got checked in, glad to see that their rooms were next to each other – something they always tried to get but weren't always successful at doing. Dave dropped his things in his room and then tapped on Ade's door.

Ade pulled Dave inside and just barely remembered to flip the security lock before pulling his lover into his arms and into a burning kiss.

Dave wrapped his own arms around his lover, melting against Ade as he returned that kiss. He pulled back long enough to whisper, "I love you," before capturing Ade's lips in another fiery kiss, one filled with promise.

Ade purred into that kiss, returning it with equal passion as he sank both hands into his lover's golden blond hair. "I love you so very much," he replied when they parted to breathe.

Dave's lips brushed Ade's as he whispered, "I want to give you everything you want tonight. Tell me... what would you like to do to me?"

"Mm... I want to let my hands and my tongue get reacquainted with every bit of that gorgeous body of yours," Ade murmured. "And then I want to lie you back and slowly sink my cock into your deliciously tight arse."

Dave blushed. "Now that sounds wonderful. But me, gorgeous?"

Ade purred. "You have a bloody amazing body. I absolutely want the chance to worship that body," he said softly.

Dave smiled softly and nuzzled Ade's neck. "I rather like that idea," he whispered.

Ade guided him over to the bed, nudging him to sit. He removed Dave's shirt slowly and carefully, caressing each bit of skin as he uncovered it, and following those caresses with soft, open kisses.

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