Chapter Twenty Four- I Can't See Her

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Or Ben

The others were taking their time but it was Diego who figured it out first

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The others were taking their time but it was Diego who figured it out first. The second apocalypse was coming, and it was Vanya who would cause it. Again.

Thanks to the commission, he'd seen it unfold on the infinite switchboard. He'd seen Vanya's powers spiral out of control under the FBI interrogation and he had seen Cass fall as she had tried to reach their sister. He'd seen what happens next, he'd seen how to stop it.

He'd taken a briefcase, and with the permission that he could use it only if a qualified member of the commission goes with him, he and Herb crashed into Allison's front room.

"Oh good, Klaus is here too," Diego said pointing at Klaus who was recoiled in horror on Allison's sofa. Allison was also shocked, standing in the corner by a dead body swaddled in a rug – which Diego wasn't going to mention – but no one looked more confused than Allison's husband Ray.

"Right," Diego said, taking in the chaos and deciding not to ask, "We've got to go."

"Wow," Herb laughed nervously from beside him, "Number two, three and four. Nearly an umbrella straight flush!"

"Ray," Allison said shrugging, "This is my other brother, Diego. I have no idea who this tiny man with him is."

"Hi," Herb waved, "I'm Herb."

"Great." Allison said and threw up her hands.

"He worked with Five at the commission," Diego explained and crossed the room to shake Allison's husband's hand, "Hey man. Sorry to crash in like this. How's it going?"

"What's a commission?" Klaus asked.

"The commission," Herb corrected, "We monitor and maintain the time space continuum."

"Okay," Klaus said uncertainly, looking towards the empty space of sofa where Ben sat.

"No, for real," Diego said, "I was just there. It's awesome. I got to look at the timeline, I know what causes doomsday."

Allison stood with her hands on her hips and her mouth slightly open.

"It's Vanya." Diego said.

"Wait, what?" Allison said, "How?"

"Same as last time. She's gonna blow up the federal building, I saw it. Cass is there and-"

"Cass is there?" Allison asked, her voice raised, "Why didn't you say? We have to go."

"That was the first thing I said," Diego said, "I said 'we got to go'. Do you not remember that?"

"I don't have time for you," Allison said and Diego rolled his eyes.

"That's what I've been saying, we have no time so we have to go. Vanya's going to blow up the building just as JFK drives by."

"Why is everything JFK with you?" Allison snaps.

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