the great Mako Mart Cart race

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Jel: You guys ready?

Levo's, Flowla and Tarin: Yep.

Jel: ok, two teams: Flowla and Tarin vs Me and Levo's

Flowla: Tarin, Ready to kick some ass?!

Tarin: HELL YEA!

*Jel sets down a timer, once it reaches 0, Levo's and Flowla hop into a Cart and get pushed by the other, racing around Mako Mart, causing havoc inside and then escaping after they finally finish the laps.*

Levo's, telling Iris why they have a shopping cart in the closet: So yea, that's how we got banned from Mako mart and stole a shopping cart in one day.

Iris: . . . cool?

Jel: Side storysWhere stories live. Discover now