Chat between two warriors [Snowy focused story]

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The day was chilly, as usual. Octavio had moved his base of operations from Octo Valley to Octo Canyon after he kidnapped Callie. To be fair, it was a stupid idea to try and do that AND steal the great zapfish. The effects already been shown by the fact another Agent with a smallfry was grabbing zapfishes left and right. I had not learnt her name, unlike the previous agent, who to be fair, had my respect after our first fight. I wonder where that girl is right now...

Octavio had tasked me with meeting up with one of the Great Octobosses. After the failure of the great Octo Weapons, he had the people behind them try again...and this time, one of them wielded it, instead of being the weapon itself...reports say that he could be considered the weapon himself at times with his skill.

As I looked over the arena below, I saw the zapfish, stuck in a lightbulb hung from the dome of the very tall room. Super-jumping down, I felt a cold breeze come through again, almost like a warning to whoever was here...

A tentacle then sprung out of the ink, grabbing the helpless zapfish before being dragged under the ink. His figure, slowly rising out of it, echoed as drums seemingly began to clash out of nowhere. Octavio, not the brightest but you have to give him credit: He does what he does with style.

Finally, after what felt like a 20 second cutscene, he appeared...

"Face me, Agent, as we duel with honor and-"

"Can it, Blubba Tubba, it's just me, Snowy."

As the figure looked down at me, he put down his huge roller and got off his very tiny unicycle. His massive and round body looming over me. He leaned forwards into a bow, and I followeed suit, respecting his whole thing going on.

"Snowy-sama, it is wonderful for you to be here. Come, I will make us both some tea."

The big man grabbed his Roller, slamming the hilt into the ground. Suddenly, a large shack which seemed to be his home appeared from the rotating floor. I gestured to sit down at the table inside, so I follow him in. The shack was larger then any Octarian grunt would need, and would most likely be a pain to live in for the shorter recruits. This was no problem for me, however, as I am fairly tall.

As I sat down, Samurai had set down a plate of akashiyaki-bites, a treat only the highest of ranking octarians could eat, as they were rationed out as a delicacy. 

"What brings you here, Snowy-Sama?"

"You can cool it with the Octonese talk, we talk as equals under Octavio."

His face goes from a natural. and civil look to just one of sheer disappointment, like I had just took away the one thing he loved to do. He sighed as he poured some tea for both of us.

"I am to guess you are here based on the reports of another agent?"

"Yes and no, it's more like 1 thing from the boss, one thing from me before I head out."

He stares at me suspiciously, but relaxes as he takes a sip of his tea.

"Continue, please."

"Octavio told me within 20 hours to expect a visit from the new Agent. Not sure on their skill, but they took down the Octo Oven...might thank them if I see them when leaving..."

"Hm, ok. And the personal part?"

"Oh, im leaving to go to the surface."

He slammed his fists down into the table, slightly wobbling the it. 

"What?! Leave?! Why?!"

"Eh, I think it would be better to live up there then stuck down here, fighting a war which we both can agree that we will lose."

He...sighed, holding his head as he got up.

"I understand...however, I am indebted to Octavio, so I must stay here...good luck, may our paths cross again in the under the bloom of the silent moon, Sensei..."

"Same here, have a good day."

I walked out of the shack after downing the last of the tea and stealing one more bite of the snacks he had laid out.

Time to start my own journey, let life guide me to whatever chaos it may bring.


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