AU Scramble: Hell is covered in sanitized ink

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???'s Pov

"Ugh...", I felt my body laying on something sharp as my eyes looked up to a dark blue sky. Slowly getting up, I take a moment to look around and pull out my Inkbrush, ready for anything that came at me...but there was nothing except destroyed buildings and..."Sanitized Ink..."

I get up and look around a bit more. Every building was covered in Sanitized ink, from the Deca tower all the way to the furthest I could see. "So, im stuck in...wait a minute..."

It all came back to me.

"No...oh no, please no..."

The sound of wheels whirring slowly approach me in the distance.

"Welcome back, how was your trip?"

Back with the AU Jel gang...
-Jella (Genderswapped Jel)
-Dreamworld Levo's (Omori AU)
-Splattlands Flowla (Basically a medic)

"No Swearing!"
"Well why the hell not?"

As the group of Multi-Universe misfits slowly get up off the ground, with Jel and Jella getting up slower then the rest as said before: They hurt their burst bombs. "Ugh...where the heck are we?", Said the Pastel colored Levo's as he picked up his picnic basket. The whole group looks around to see a broken, ruined world. "Oh god...Tara told me about something like this...", Everybody but Jel looked over to Jella, "Tara said that she came from a world that TarTar was able to destroy...everybody was dead...oh god, we have to look for her or whoever the male me's Tara is!"

Jella quickly picked up the short Levo's, carrying him over her head as Jel and Splattlands Flowla follow behind. "God, is your lives always like this?" Flowla asked Jel, "This feels like every other friday." "Feel bad for you..." "It's fine."

As the group run, they finally walk into the main entrance of Inkopolis Square, only to see a figure on the ground in the distance, along with a rectangle supported by a pole connected to something with wheels. 

"LEAVE. ME. ALONE." The figure said as tears fell from his face. "What? Too scared to face me again? You finally get the life you wanted and stood up to the big bad person in the other world yet you are too scared to face me aga-"

*C L A N G*

"OH SHIT TARIN," Jel quickly ran over and gave him a hug as he kneeled down, "You ok, man?"

Tarin could not talk as he just let himself be hugged as Levo's was quickly searching in his basket for anything that could help, "I have smoothies, grapes, grape soda, grape cherry pie. cherry soda, pickles..."

" you have a soda? I could go for a bottle right now I swear..."

Dreamworld Levo's looked around for a bit, pulling out a bottle of soda and tossing it to him...and him downing it within the minute. "Ahhh, that hits the spot...ok lets head ou-"

"You idiots, you absolute fucking fools. I have lived long enough to know your every move, there is a battery inside of me you morons." Tartar said as his top half slowly started to shake, Turning himself over to look at the group. "So, even more morons are here. We got the bimbo Jel, the pastel one that looks gay, a girl who looks like she thinks that wacking scrap metal with a wrench will make her a fucking engine, a stupid ass failed Soldier and Tarin."

"Shut up you damn telephone before I crush your metal face in." Jella said, getting more and more angry. "That will do NOTHING in the end, I have already won, everybody HE Loved," TarTar slowly moved his face towards Tarin, who was trying to stay calm, "Is dead and all YOUR kind is dead...I am just waiting until the day I can finally see the future of humanity, because you all were FAI-"

Tarin crushed the metal like it was a plastic cup, his face seething with anger. Everybody just falls silent again as Dreamworld Levo's rummaged through his bag as he pulled out some dandelions and handed them all out to everybody. "Jeez...I can see mainly see a lot of emotions here...mainly anger and Flowla being kinda scared on whats going on so please just blow one of these and they will calm everybody down."

The group looked at the plant as Dreamworld Levo's just stood there, nervous as he felt the tensions were high. Splatland Flowla lightly blew on the Dandelion, feeling a sense of ease flow over her. "Wow...I wish I had this stuff back home with the sibs and the kids, this feels like pure calming magic..."

The others proceed to do the same, everybody relaxing as DW (Dreamworld) Levo's sighed in relief. "So, now that everybody is calm, I had never met a TarTar that bad...all he ever did back home was being the AI controlling the base of the 3 Agents." Levo's said, sitting down on some pile of rubble.

"I wish I lived in your world, that sounds nice..." Jel replied back as SL (Splatlands) Flowla dug through the picnic basket of Levo's, "But, the sad reality is that he..."

Jel choked on his words, still uncomfortable by the environment and knowing exactly what Universe he was in.

"He was a mass murderer, killed test subjects to create the perfecting being, blended my, Jella's and Tarin's parents, kidnapped Our version of Levo's and making him attack us."

Flowla finally got up, now carrying a Jar of Dandelions and whatever else she could pack. "Jeez, sounds like you guys need a therapist."

"Yea, I already have one..." Jel, Jella, and Tarin said in sync before Jel and Jella high fived as Tarin covered his face, tired and just wanting to go home. 

Suddenly, a hole appeared on the floor, sucking up the whole group (Including a stomped TarTar) and leaving the world they were just in to collect dust as its beyond repairing.

To be continued...


"Ugh, do you ALWAYS have to drift?"

"Yea, it fits with the chaos theme of the splatlands ya big baby. Can you not handle it?"

"ᵐʰᵐᵐᵐᵐʰᵐ...ʸᵒᵘ'ʳᵉ ᵃ ᵇᶦᵍ ᵇᵃᵇʸ....ʸᵒᵘ ᶦᵈᶦᵒᵗ..."

"Keep on whining, come on, lets get some coffee and some Clam Mochi."

"Fine, but only if you get me the sunken special."

"What, are you trying to burn your tongue off?"


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