Sanitized again [AU Short]

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In a far off AU, not so distant from the regular one...

My name is Iris, Iris Opaline.
I have a brother, his name is Jaiden.
Snowy is our roommate, friend, and at this point, family.
We also have other friends named the Londo's.
Jel is the chaotic one, Flowla is the strong headed one...

And Levo's? Me and him are dating...
Well, at least one of us knows that now...

Levo's and his family are what people call "Sanitized", people who lost their free-will and now act as servants under Tartar. Marina, explained more to us about the process. They take out the thoughts and memories, turning it into Mem Cake's, and then dumping data into their hollow soul to make them, well, soldiers.

Unlike the usual sanitized, they kept their memories thanks to a batch of "Instant sanitization" which instead of manually removing the memories, almost locks them up inside the mind. Along with that, they also have the ability to slightly control their ink.

This...changed after a fight with Tartar. He has a knack for coming least we stop him before he can do much harm, but the problem is that he always has a new trick up his sleeve.

This time, the damn telephone seemed to have perfected the "Instant Sanitization" thing...Im sorry for foul language but I f*&$%^#! hate him.

Cue flashback
Levo's Pov

"Ughhh...why does he ALWAYS come back?! We kicked him down at least 100 times already."

Me, my siblings, my friends *Cough Cough* and my amazing girlfriend *Cough Cough*, walking through the metro, trying to find the location of that rectangle mf.

"Man, this is the perfect way to start a joke. 'Three sanitized octolings, and 3 normal octolings walk into the metro.'," Jel turned around and started going off, trying to make a joke out of it...and utterly failing.

"Mmmm, yea, not that great of a joke."
"Gotta agree with Snowy here, Jel."

Jel then turned back around, crossing his arms and pouting, "Well excuuuuse me for trying something new."

While Jel, Flowla, Snowy, and Jaiden argued, Iris walked closer to me.

We just kept walking in awkward silence, myself not being sure if I should say something.

That was until I heard faint footsteps from behind us grow quicker and quicker. Turning around, I noticed a sanitized octoling with what seemed to be a syringe filled with...sanitized ink? As soon as they noticed me, they started to rush towards Iris, which she then noticed.

Without thinking, I grabbed my hydra splattling and swing it around hard enough to launch them straight into a wall. Everybody came running up to the both of us, with Snowy running up to the sanitized octoling and blasting them instantly with a Luna Blaster.

Then, the one person we had been looking for finally showed up. The damn telephone started to ramble on and on about...something, im not sure, I had forgotten and did not care at this point.

"Ok ok shut up, Tartar, let's get this over with,"

As we readied our weapons, something sharp pierced through my neck. I screamed out in pain, falling to the floor and holding my neck.

"Well, at least it works..."

It felt harder to breathe then usual, so as I was on the floor, I heard Iris's voice ring out, "HEY, WHAT DID YOU DO TO HIM?!"

"Oh, you know, just making sure that you have one less person to help you all..."

All i heard next is the sound of everybody saying "Jel" and the sound metal hitting the wall.


"Don't worry, he *BZZZZZZZZT* is not going to die...but everything he knows will..."

Hearing that, I began to panic. 

I did not want to lose everything, I worked so hard on getting to where I was only for it to be yanked away from me.

As everything began to feel fuzzy, I could feel Iris hold me, saying something that I could not understand.

"I-iris, Jel, everybody, I'm...scared..."

Back to the present...

Tartar said that the batch wasn't perfect but it worked well enough to lock up his memories. When he woke up, he talked slow and had no idea about who we are. Flowla took this the hardest out of all of us, locking herself in her room and staying silent for the first few days before trying to reconnect with him.

Jel was trying his best, but we all saw how much pain this brought him. Jaiden was the most cheerful out of everybody when that happened, trying to show Levo's around to jog is memories. Snowy was Snowy and tried to bring him into turf war, which was then stopped by me and Jaiden.

Im...not really sad, I know Levo's is still in there, but it has been hard...

He seems to know basic concepts, but not a whole lot. He seemingly knew about dating, which Im guessing is parts of him still there. He was confused at first when I told him about myself, saying how he did not know where he was and this felt way too sudden for him to handle.

Even though he is still re-learning things that the old Levo's knew, he is just as sweet and kind (and still as cold) as he was before...just more blank faced, but I have caught him blushing whenever he is around me.

Me and Jel had made an agreement, we would swap taking care and hanging out with him, trying to see if this could jog back his locked up memories while Tarin works on fixing him up. The sanitized look is permanent though, so no more of his baby blue eyes, only neon cyan eyes with pitch black sclera.

Heh, funny story about his eyes. He was spending the night over at our house once because Flowla and Jel needed to head out somewhere for the night, so we took him in and we actually had a great night. It was around 11 P.M and I needed a glass of water, so I walked out of my room to the living room only to see Levo's glowing eyes staring straight at me.

While creepy, I turned on the lights to see him huddled up on the ground, looking visibly nervous and scared. I had walked up to him and asked what was wrong, and he said something about how he just felt, well, he did not know how to describe it. He said he felt guilty but he was not sure why, along with the fact that the sounds of the highway and the lights just stressed him out.

So, I got my cup of water and I turned on one of his favorite movies when he still had his memories intact, pulled out some blankets and pillows (and a bit of ice cream, which he said was a first time for him). When I woke up in the morning, Levo's had left and Jaiden had told me that Levo's had stayed up all night and was extremely red (Or at least a salmon type color, that being the color when any of our sanitized friends blush). miss the old Levo's, but you have to stay strong sometimes for the ones you love. Levo's still has his charm, and even bought me some flowers once with the help of Jel because, "You told me we were dating before, so I wanted to be a good person and get you these...", before he shut down from the stress for a few minutes.

Still love that afro hair dork, and wherever in his mind his memories are, I know he still loves me.

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