The past follows, but this time, for the better... (How Iris and Levo's met)

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2 Octolings, the male having a red ink color and the female having a slightly dark purple ink color. "COME ON IRIS, ONE LAST PUSH TOWARDS THE EXIT!", the male said as he swung his Tri-slosher behind him, splatting 2 Sanitized soldiers as the girl followed behind. "Y-yea! This is our chance, lets go!"

As they ran, they could hear a raspy, robotic voice over the speaker. "Soldiers, get Deepsea and Honey n' Oranges. Traitors are destroyed, capture them, bring them to me and I can handle the rest.". The sound echoed through the bland, tiled walls of the metro as Iris quickly turned around and started to fire her Dualie Squelchers towards the swarm behind them, splatting some more soldiers as the male Octoling fumbled with a canned special.

"COME ON JAIDEN, PLEASE HURRY UP IM RUNNING OUT OF INK HERE!", Iris yelled as Jaiden finally opened the canned special. He ran towards his sister, jumping off her shoulders and over all the sanitized soldiers as he activated his special: Splashdown, wiping out all of the sanitized soldiers...for now.

Jaiden looks back towards his sister, noticing she had been shot by a few stray bullets of ink, "Iris, go into Octo form. You seem beat, I can carry you for now.". With a tired nod, she turns into a purple octopi which Jaiden picks up and carries on his back. "We are so close, we can finally see the sun after so long of being in this metro hell..."

Iris slightly smacks him on the head, "Language, Jaiden...and honestly, its been forever...lets just hope its daytime when we get out of here...and its gotta be as good as you told me it was..." she panted as the running had gotten to her.

5 minutes later...

"OH CARP OH CARP!", Jaiden said as he carried onto Iris in her Octopi form as he fumbled with another canned special. "OPEN YOU CANNED LIVESAVER, I NEED YOU TO COOPERATE WITH ME PLEAS- YES!"

With a quick swing, he crushed a majority of the sanitized soldiers, knocking down any others near them. "TAKE THIS!" and with a (Illegal) Horizontal swing, he takes out the rest before throwing it at a pile of boulders which had blocked off the exit, breaking a majority of the rocks and making the rest fall out of the way. "Nice shot, Jaiden, now lets finally leave...its...hard to believe we got this far...", Iris said, tearing up at the fact that they could finally leave the hell hole they  had to go through. "Shush, no crying yet, we can do that once we get a drink and some food besides some of the sludge and "energy bars" that they had."

With a few more steps, the two finally reached the surface, the orange sky breaking through the clouds. "Ok...first...", He pulled out 2 Triple-Fried Galactic Shwaffle tickets and a few drink tickets. "Who knew kicking that vending machine once or twice would break it but dispense so many tickets?"

As the two Octolings walked towards the crust bucket, they took in the atmosphere as the sun was getting close to setting. "Sup, Squiddos! guys seem new around here, newest Octos on the block?". Iris nods as he brother gave the tickets, "Gotcha, not the talking type, lil missy? Ah its fine, I know everybody around here and met enough shy people during this job. Take a seat over there and the food will be done in a quick minute, not many people eat at this time but its not my job to judge when they eat, just to make the food they do eat!", Sean let out a chuckle as he pointed towards the tables. As the two sat down, he brought out some drinks for the duo and went back into his truck to continue cooking.

"Y'know...its been forever, and I can barely remember anything before the metro but...this is nice, Jaiden.", Iris said as she slowly took a sip of her drink, then laying her head on her arms and soaking up the sunlight.

* C R A S H *

"Yea yea, calm down, you don't need to sound like you are a edgy 14 year old who got his phone taken away..."

"ᴸᵉᵛᵒ'ˢ...ᵖˡᵉᵃˢᵉ ᶜᵃˡᵐ ᵈᵒʷⁿ, ᵃⁿᵈ ᵈᵒ ᴵ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗᵒ ʲᵒᶦⁿ ʸᵒᵘ, ᴶᵉˡˀ"

Just as quickly as Iris layed her head down to rest, she raised it quickly as she saw 3 Octolings walking towards the tower in the middle of the square. One was wearing a large, gray coat. The 2nd who was hiding behind the one with the coat was wearing a minty blue sweater, while the 3rd one was wearing a red shirt under a black leather jacket...something was wrong about them though, but Iris and Jaiden could not understand why.

"Ah, those are just the Londo's, the gray coat wearing one is Jel and he always comes in everyday for a smoothie. I slightly know the girl, but not sure on her name...and that one being dragged and who has the mouth like a sailor? No clue. Here's your food, enjoy and just call my name if you need anything!"

Sean slid some food onto the table before walking back into his truck. The two siblings watch as the group of blue haired Octolings walk into the tower, before forgetting about them as they ate their food. "Ok, wow, this is good." Jaiden said as he chewed, getting a slap to the arm and a laugh from Iris. "One hour in and its already nice being up here on the surface..."

As they ate, they could hear coughing and a tiny bit of talking as the 3 slowly walk towards the crust bucket. They finally got a clear look at the 3 of hair, green tips on the end of the tentacles for the 2, while the one wearing the leather jacket had a hat covering his head. "Jaiden...", Iris wispered, "Are those guys...sanitized...?"

Iris and Jaiden felt their heart rate rise as the one with the gray jacket talked to sean and quickly gor a smoothie. "Lets just hope they don't see u-"

"Oh hey! You guys new around here?"

"Oh no...", the siblings said in sync in both of their minds. "Hmmm...yep, you two look like Newbies around here, my name is Jel and these are my siblings Flowla," He points to the girl in the sweater, shyly waving behind Jel towards the two, "and this is...Levo's?"

He looked around, but could not find the one with the leather jacket and hat, "Eh, he has been a bit moody recently, but he will show up eventually...oh jeez, its getting late! Catch ya on the battlefield!", he quickly turned around and jogged off, leaving the girl behind, looking at us before noticing Jel left and ran after him.

". . ."

After that, we were on edge the entire time until they booked a hotel room to rest for the night...

The next day...

The two siblings sat down at the table the night before. ", sanitized Octolings on the surface...they seem nice, but they are still sanitized so they could still be potentially dangerou-"

"Why are you guys talking about sanitization?"

With a quick turn, Iris rolled out of the way and aimed the Dualie Squeltchers straight at Jel's head. ". . .", Jel stood there silently as he raised his hands in surrender, holding a smoothie cup.

"Im going to take a wild guess and say that you came from the metro, met with TarTar and escaped, I can see by the green tentacle tips and the slight blue hue on your head...confused on how you de-sanitized but if you are going to splat me, at least let me finish my smoothie."

Iris slowly put the Dualies down as Jaiden slowly brought down his Tri-slosher. "I am SO sorry! You came up from behind and we just escaped and...", Iris put her head down on the table, "Im tired...". Jel took a sip of his smoothie, swirling it around, "Yea, fair enough. Me and the sibs also had to deal with that damn telephone if you could not already guess."

Jel sat down at the table, leaning backwards on the chair and putting his feet up onto the table itself. "I got injected with some kind of defective batch, Flowla came running after breaking free of the mind control and Levo's? Tried to kill me because of the tin can of a telephone."

Jaiden and Iris both looked horrified as they watch the sanitized Octoling just drink his smoothie while explaining stuff about his past. "Wait wait wait, how do we know we can trust you?"

"Fair, you dont have to believe me and you COULD splat me right now and potentially kill me permanently.", He took another long sip of his smoothie. "Are you going to finish what you were going to say and give us an alternative?", Jaiden said as he leaned towards Jel, resting his head and hands on his Tri-Slosher.


* S i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i p *

Jaiden gave a sigh, "Ok, you know what? The fact that you have not tried to kill us, attack us or do anything some kind of mind controlled sanitized soldier would do, im going to trust you...the name is Jaiden.", he reached out his hand towards Jel, with Jel happily shaking it. "A-and my name is Iris, again, I am so sorry!"

"Nah, its fine, I have already experienced worse so far so its ok. Nice to meet ya' both. You two seem to have some turf war grade weapons so why not a bit of turf? I could possibly get Flowla out here to make us a team of 4."

Jaiden leaned back and thought about it, " know what? We are somewhat running low on cash, so lets do it!"

"HELL YEA! I will go grab Flowla, give me a minute."

5 hours later, many wins and losses...

After many long matches, the team of 4 (Plus a annoyed Levo's who was forced to watch), left the Deca tower, the main hub for all turf wars. "Jeez, those bamboozlers were pretty annoying...", Jel said as he stretched his right arm by moving it in a circular motion as his Kensa Octobrush rested on his left shoulder. Iris and Jaiden both looked fine as they had been training from the metro for a long time, so this felt natural. Flowla looked a bit more cheery, twirling her Tetra-Dualies around and giggling, "ᵀ⁻ᵗʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ, ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʷᵃˢ ᵃᶜᵗᵘᵃˡˡʸ ᵛᵉʳʸ ᶠᵘⁿᵎ", She said in a quiet tone. 

"Smoothies on me, boyos! Levo's? Oh god damn it where did he go again?"

Jel looked around as he walked to the crust bucket, he could not see his brother, but Iris was able to catch a quick glimpse of him, walking towards a alley that lead to a wooded area somewhat close by. "You guys seen him?"

"Yea, he walked somewhere over there.", Iris pointed towards the alley. "Mind grabbing him? If thats ok, of course."

Iris nodded as she realized what she just said, but even so, she agreed to go get him. She gripped her Dualies and walked towards the alley...which lead to a forest like area, with a figure standing over some kind of cliffside. As Iris walked towards the figure, it felt like forever as she walked. "Uh..."

She got closer to the figure, who was sitting down. It was Levo's. "What do you want?", He said in a gruff, angry tone. "Your brother asked me to come get you, but why are you just...", Iris sat down next to the hat wearing sanitized Octoling. "Why am I what?", he looked towards Iris with a face of pure annoyment. "Sitting out here?", Iris said as she just looked down towards the lake which was below the cliff they were sitting close to. "Why the hell do you want to know? Do you wanna make fun of me or annoy me the entire time here or are you going to leave me the HELL alone?", he almost yelled, which surprised Iris.

". . ."

They sat in silence as the two just looked towards the lake under them.

"Levo's, am I correct...?"

"Yea, why do you need to kn-"

Suddenly, Levo's was embraced in a quick hug. "Look, I have been through a lot and I can see something might be going on with you...but you just seemed like you needed one."

Levo's just sat there, confused and shocked, not showing it on his face but hind mind was processing what just happened. "Do you want some drinks and some food? Jel originally wanted me to get you for that."


6 minutes later...

As the purple haired and blue haired Octoling walked toward the table Jaiden, Jel, and Flowla were sitting at, Jaiden noticed them both and imminently looked relaxed as his sister and Levo's both sat down at the table. "Jeez, what took ya' so long? Its been like, 20 minutes.", Jel said as he threw his empty smoothie cup into the nearby trash can as he took a bite out of a Crusty Seanwich.  "Its none of your business, Idiot...", Levo's almost mumbled as Sean walked up to Levo's and slid him a Mocha coffee. 

Flowla and Jel looked up and towards Levo's, noticing his tame demeanor and quickly glanced towards Iris. Iris noticed this and looked confused, but Jel and Flowla looked back towards their sibling. 

As the group dismissed towards their home as the sun had started to set again, Jel quicky caught up to Iris. "Ok, I just want to say thanks for whatever you did to Levo's. Whatever you did or said seemed to change him entirely...thank you so much.", He quickly bowed before running off, Kensa Octobrush bobbing up and down on his shoulder.

Over time, Iris and Levo's hung out
more and more, enjoying the time
they spent together...
now, they sit where they first really met.
A year later.

Iris sat at the cliff looking down towards the lake as the sound of steps slowly got closer and closer. "Heh, you got here before me. Did you finally want to beat my record of always showing up first?", Levo's said as he opened up a small cooler he had and took out a fresh can of "Tact-cool, Inkopolis best selling and best hydrating soda. [Peach & Lime]".

"I guess so, but atleast sitting down here and relaxing is better then a competition.", Iris chuckled as she took out a soda and cracked it open.

They just sat there. Enjoying the view. 

"Its kinda hard to believe that our first meeting was me acting like a jerk towards you and now me and you are...", He cut himself off, almost like he was choking something in. "S-sorry, nevermind, forget what I just said."

"Levo's," Iris said as he scooted closer to him, "talk to me, if you need to say something, just let me know."

The Octoling boy stature slowly shrunk, "That time...I was angry at myself and was trying to pust people away. You already know the story by now, I tried to kill Jel, Yada yada, he got rid of the mind control effects from the sanitized ink...I hated myself so much." He started to lay down as tears slowly formed, "I kidnapped people, I hurt them and...", His voice slowly started to break as the tears started to flow more and more, "I felt like I deserved nothing Jel and the others gave me and I jus-"

Iris had quickly cut him off with a hug. Levo's just laid there, soaking up the sun and just let himself be hugged. 

"Im sorry Iris for just dumping all of that onto you an-"

"Levo' dork, its fine..."

"Thank you..."


"And thats how me and Levo's started dating.", Iris said as she was polishing her Custom Kamabo Corp. Dualie Squeltchers. "Damn, sounds like the average love story, not going to lie.", Snowy said as he got closer to look at the Dualies.

"Oh shut up!", Iris said, slightly hitting Snowy on the head with the muzzle of the dualie.

[2667 Words :)]

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