Midnight talk (A moody side story)

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11:58 pm, Monday.

The usually bustling city was close to dead quiet as the shops were closed and Inklings and Octolings alike went to sleep, ready for more fun the next day. But two people who are still awake, sit on a hill...

"So, you needed something lass?" Tarin said as he sipped a bit of his soda, which he tossed another can to Iris. "Yea, I guess you could say that...it's about TarTar."

Tarin sat his can down on the ground, slightly digging a spot to hold it still. "Ah, fair enough, what do you want to know?" 

"Why does he hate our kind? We may have fought in the past but peace between us and Inklings are finally at a all time high...so why does he hate us?" Iris asked as she laid down and looked up at the night sky, the stars above her slightly flashing like they were the lightbulbs of the night.

Tarin sat there in silence, taking another sip of his soda. "Well, honestly, I guess its our culture and turf wars, I knew he hated out species but I never got a full answer so I decided to look into it back during my time...y'know, before the world got destroyed," he paused to lay down and stare up at the sky.

"He hated us before of the constant fights between Inklings Octolings, our trends of freshness and Turf wars, so nothing to different from you idea...but I think it might have something to do with the past, when humans were alive."

"How so?" She asked while turning her head to look at Tarin, illuminated by the moon and the streetlights. "From what he told me, humans thought of minor differences as things to fight over, like skin tone or religion and if you were a AI made by humans, left to rot in a metro for thousands of years, you would only know the ways of the people before you, not the next generation of people, you would most likely hate everything besides your view."

"Ah, I guess I would...by any chance, do you think he could ever become a good person?"

Tarin Sat up, and picked up his soda. "Honestly, I doubt it. He has lost reason and has his wires and circuits are stained in blood, making him mindless and only want destruction...thanks to Jel," he lifted himself up and drank the rest of his soda. "Honestly, Jel might be the problem here in this world, but somewhere else, Jel is doing something good...now little lady, don't you have a bed to sleep on? its getting late."

Iris tossed the empty soda cat at Tarin's head, getting a small "Ow." to come out of him. "Hey, im not little and...thanks."

"No problem, if you need anything else like dating advice for Levo's...im literally the smarter Jel so come to me."

Iris felt a blush coming over her face, "It's not li-"

"Sure, sure...goodnight."

Tarin disappeared into the direction of the metro, smirking.

"Honestly, TarTar hurt us so much in the past...but its nice to know that somewhere, he is helping others..." Iris thought as she gazed up into the night sky before getting up and walking home.

Words: 489

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