AU Scramble: Waking up to changed friends (Omori/Hermi AU)

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'God damn it...'

My head slowly raised to notice that its finally morning, with the pots and pans downstairs signaling Flowla was most likely making breakfast. I get up, shut off the alarm clock, put on some comfy clothes and walk to the bathroom and brush my teeth, trying to ignore the smell of pancakes...but then I gave in.

"O-oh! Jel! How did you sleep? Hopefully good, but anyways...pancakes?" I look at the pancakes and take a small bite and found them pretty good. "Well, by looking at your face, you seem to enjoy them...Also, I have to head to the store for a bit to grab some stuff if that's fine." I nod as she quickly puts on her shoes and walks out the door, "Bye Jel!"

I pick up the pancakes and throw them away and head back upstairs, tired and wanting to get back to my friends...or at least some of them as those stupid people in headspace stole Levo's...God im going to kill them if I ever see them agai-

*Knock Knock Knock* "JELLLL! YOU THERE?"

'Why does this always happen...?'

Now im faced with a choice: Open the door to whoever is out there or go back to bed, truely a hard decision.

"Go back to bed, why would anybody want to be around you? You locked yourself in this long, why would anybody care if you stayed in there a bit longer?"


Well now you caught my attention, I walk over to the door, ignoring what my brain is telling me and open it...

"Wow, you really opened the door this time!" Suddenly, im enveloped into a bear hug by a Octoling with bright red ink color/Hair wearing sporty type clothes...had to be Jaiden.

"How's it going man? Its been like...2 or 3 years since I last saw you and I have been knocking for the last few months, but you never even came out once!" I feel a little bit guilty after he says that, it had been a few years...honestly you forget how fast time can move when you're sleeping most of the time.

"How about this: Me and you go around town, talk a bit, hang out and just do stuff like old times. How about it?" I puts his hand around neck and leans on me while pointing towards the sky at angle, "Jaiden and Jel, taking on the world! Bringing down bad guys and hanging out like friends." 


"HELL YEA!" he quickly pulls drags me along, "Also, I will get you that smoothie I promised, I just kinda used that to get you out of the house."

As the day went on, Jel and Jaiden hung out...some of the things they did were:
- Get some food at the Crust bucket. (And a smoothie for Jel)
- Do a bit of work at Grizzco. (Jel was splatted alot)
- Check out a newly opened gaming store, a small shop, and a hardware store, all conveniently placed next to each other.
- Helped some younger kids with a problem. (Broken Splattershot JR, Jel fixed it with some Q-tips and a bit of rubbing alcohol that he told Jaiden to get)

"Man! today has been great, how about we head over to a nearby park and just relax for a bit?" I nod as he dragged me along again, "Wow, you are surprisingly light. Did you wear that coat to weigh you down so you don't float off?"

". . ."

"Ooh, tough crowd today...wait, do you hear that?"

In the distance, I could hear some people talking, one of them with a timid and softer voice...Flowla?

I quickly walk over to the noise as Jaiden followed from behind...

"Well lookie here." One of the Inklings said, "Somebody is messing with our teammate? Don't you know who we are? We are the..." They start to pose as the masked leader stepped between them all, "Soft-serve spikes, one the up and coming teams that will show inkopolis whos the boss!"

The leader kicked over Flowla, "Why are YOU here?"

"well...I was shopping and I noticed you, so I wanted to ask if you wanted to meet up with Jaiden an-"

"SHUT UP!" The leader pulled out a Tenta-brella with metal bits and peices attached to it off their back and pointed it as Flowla, "You guys already burned that bridge and you think a simple meet up will undo all the damage you guys done to me? God I should splat you right here and..." She lifted up the Tenta-Brella above her head as her buddies laughed at Flowla.

*B O N K*

"GAH, WHAT THE HELL?" I look over to Jaiden as he walked towards the group after throwing a basket ball at the leader. He leaned over as I followed him and said, "I picked up a bit of basketball these last few years, so my throwing is the best in town!"

The group finally notices us and surrounds us, "Well well well! The little freak has friends...lets see how long they can last against u-" "Move, guys...", They all moved as the masked leader walked up to us and took off her mask.

"Sn...Snowy?! What the hell?!" 

It was Snowy in the flesh and blood, standing before us. "Cod, its you two...Leave now before I make you, I got something to say to Flower Girl over there."

"Snowy, just stop! I bet whatever Flowla did is not as bad as what you were about to do!" Jaiden said as Flowla tried to get up, only to be pushed back down by the group. "SHUT are the exact same as her...trying to fix a bridge with duct tape? YOU BURNED IT DOWN, NOW FACE THE CONSEQUENCES!"

Im confused on what bridge she was talking about as she and her group stood before us, "Mint, Strawberry, Neapolitan, C&Cream...Stay out of this, I can take the two of them."


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