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I'm going to cut this off short as I have left creepypasta and have no interest in candy pop anymore. So happy ending, you get married and have children. Feel free to use your imagination in this. Or bad ending, it was all an illusion and you were in a coma and you almost died because of NT. Dark, I know. But candy pop is a very dark and evil character. I only sugar-coated him at the time cause.. I was a fangirl. I know many people will be mad and upset about this, but I am leaving as it's time for me to move past this. I know, it's a cold goodbye. But I'm just not writing fan fiction anymore. It started to feel wrong and out of vanity.. I don't really like it anymore. Fanfiction always made me feel weird, fluff or not. Lemons always disgusted me.. I am leaving because I have lost interest and also because of my beliefs! If anyone didn't know, I have always been a Christian. Too bad I just wasn't very open about it, as I should be and not be scared to state my beliefs like everyone else can so why can't I? It's more than a religion btw, please do not put the 'religious' title on me. It's more than that! God got me through depression and anxiety so many times. Even when I didn't realize it. Do not blame God for anything bad, he didn't want us to feel pain or sadness, the devil is the one who tricked humans into eating the fruit which led us into sin which turned into pain and depression and all the things that hurt us. It isn't God's fault. He really didn't want that for us or plan that. He had a great plan for us to live forever with him and to be innocent and feel no pain! But then the nasty old serpent devil ruined it and introduced all the nasty stuff to humans. I want to set a good example, not all Christians are bad. God and Christians get such a bad wrap because of all the bad experiences in their life with people, it's people not God. If you ever reach a very low point in life and your at a loss, consider Jesus and talk to God about it. Come to him. Even when your in doubt and you feel mad at God or that he isn't listening. Trust me he is listening. You will live through those experiences and you will be stronger than before and be prepared for whatever worse comes at you in life. Please just don't give up. I know there are so many hurt people who have so much pain and trauma and they are mad with God, but the anger will only make the pain worse. Holding grudges doesn't change anything but only hurts yourself more, (this goes for relationships and everything in general) so please let go of it and trust God with all your burdens even if it seems hard. I've learned from this that it does help. With real experiences. I know I can't make anyone change their mind or believe, but just remember, God is there and he wants to be with you. In all situations. And some of the people that might see this may be atheist or something else, they might even make fun of me and have their own theories and beliefs and get mad. Like I said, I can't force you to believe. But if you are questioning the existence of God and who he is and considering the idea, pray to him. Read the Bible. If you feel a rush of grace or happiness or emotion, that is him. He is with you. And when he speaks to you, you might not even notice it. Sometimes life just goes by and there are so many distractions so it can be hard to notice. He talks through different things and ways. Through experiences, through other people, his word in the Bible. Always make sure you get the right information from the right person. Don't let a person make God look bad when it's the person's fault and what they choose to say. 

There were people who lost everything, their whole family, home, job, everything. And even after that, they still clung onto God because that's all they had and the one thing that can't be taken away and really, in the end that is all that will be left is God. Everything will end and the earthly things die off, but God is forever. Like in the book of Job. Job lost everything he had. His family died, he lost his health, lost his wealth, lost his home, lost his friends and wife. But the one person he still had left was God. And when he showed God his strong faith in him and that even after all of that he hadn't cursed God once or blamed him for anything, God blessed him. All the problems and tribulations are like long birthing pains, but it will all be worth it. All the patience and hope and faith is worth it. Never give up.

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