Chapter 4

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Mel then butted in and said "I hate to interrupt this moment but, boys, the security guard'll show you to your dressing room now."

"Thank you, sir" said Ernie.

Fred looked at Charles Wallace and said "Would I like to meet your sister" in a joking tone.

As Charles Wallace laughed, the Redcoats followed the security guard down a hall.

"Now. We still need a place for these guys to stay. Every teenager is surrounding Alan's house and mine" said Mel.

"Well, my apartment's too small and Buddy's mouth is too big" said Sally.

"And I just got all my furniture back; I'm not going through that again" said Rob.

"Well, unless one of you guys changes your mind, they're doomed" said Mel.

"Hey, Mel. I can take the boys in" said Charles Wallace.

"Oh no you can't. You're little" said Mel.

"And you live all the way in Australia" said Rob.

"Yeah, but that doesn't stop me" said Charles Wallace.

"And we don't want people confusing these guys with your brother in law" said Sally.

"Oh yeah, you're right, Sally. And my apartment is kinda small. Hmm, maybe I could ask Calvin to take 'em in" said Charles Wallace.

"Who's Calvin?" said Rob.

"My buddy. He'd never turn down a favor from me" said Charles Wallace.

"Then it's settled. Call him up" said Mel.

Charles Wallace picked up the phone and had the operator connect him to Calvin's house.

"Patty O'Keeffe speaking" said a high voice on the other side.

"Oh hi, Patty; it's Charles Wallace. Is Calvin there?" said Charles Wallace.

"No, he's workin'. Why?" said Patty.

"Well, uh... are you alone?"

"No, Cathy's here."

"Can you get rid of her? Or at least call me back when she leaves?"

"That could be quite a while, buddy; we're making crepe suzette" 

"Aw, brother. Well, I'm about to ask you a favor and you can't tell anybody" said Charles Wallace.

"Holy cannoli, bud; what is it?" said Patty.

"Calm down, Patty; it's supposed to be secret" said Charles Wallace.

"Oh, sorry"

"It's alright, but just let me tell it. No more holy cannolis, okay?" 

"Okay, Charlibus. Whatcha got?" said Patty.

"My coworker, Mr Petrie would like you and Calvin to have this musical duo the Redcoats stay in your house tonight" Charles Wallace explained.

"Really? I think I'd like that" said Patty. 

"Good. But reach Calvin and tell him about it as soon as possible. And hustle up with the crepe suzette. Cathy can't be there when I bring the guys" said Charles Wallace.

"Don't worry, buddy; it won't be" said Patty.

"Alright. I'll be there at about seven thirty. And don't let me into your house until I give the signal" said Charles Wallace.

"And what is it?" said Patty.

Charles Wallace looked at Mel and said "What's the signal?"

"Paul Revere" said Mel.

Charles Wallace awkwardly put the phone back at his ear and said "Paul Revere, apparently."

"Alright. I'll see you soon, buddy" said Patty.

"See ya" said Charles Wallace. 

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