Chapter 16

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The next day, Sam and Jill were hard at work in the police department.


"Yes, Jill?"

"D'you think the Beatles are alright?" said Jill.

"I dunno. They didn't seem any angrier at John than Charles Wallace was" said Sam.

"That's just the trouble. I've never seen Charles so angry" said Jill.

"You should have seen him when his mother died and the trip to her funeral was held up" said Sam. 

"What happened?" said Jill.

"The plane crashed and we had to walk. But Murray was having issues and we kept having to stop" said Sam.

"What was going on with him?" said Jill.

"You do not wanna know, but Charles Wallace was pretty ticked off about it" Sam cringed.

"Has Calvin ever been this upset?" said Jill. 

"Loads of times. When I met him, he was kind of a pessimist because of his dad" said Sam.

"But Calvin always seemed so nice. I mean, he was a bit strict when I met him..." said Jill.

"He really is nice. He's always there to protect the ones he loves" said Sam.

"That does sound like him" said Jill. 

"He always knows what to say and do and when to say or do it. He also knows what he wants. When I met him, I dated him for a while because I was what he wanted" Sam explained. 

"Why'd you break up?" said Jill. 

"Because I saw the Wiggles again" said Sam casually.

Jill laughed a little then said "But he, along with you and Charles, just seem so upset with the Beatles."

"We have every right to be. We used to do everything together. They'd even let us sing with their recordings. And now everything they do is filtered through John and his silly romantic ideas" said Sam.

"But what about Paul's romantic ideas? How can he and I get married if his best friends are feuding and one of them can't even think about him?" said Jill. 

"Well, you can get married no matter what. Y'know, when Meg told Paul she was marrying Chad, he fainted. Chad doubted getting married because we thought Paul had a heart attack" said Sam.

"Did he?" said Jill.

"Nope. Just passed out from excitement. So you and Paul'll be fine. Nobody's passed out yet" said Sam.

Jill laughed a little then went back to work. 

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