Chapter 5

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After Patty hung up the phone...

"What did Charles have to say?" said Cathy.

"He said he needs my help with something. But it has to be private" said Patty.

"Private?" said Cathy.

"Yeah, Cath, we're gonna have to make it snappy with the crepe suzette" said Patty.

"Oh yes. I... I understand" said Cathy. 

That night, Cathy had left and Patty had told Calvin what Charles Wallace told her.

"He's letting another duo stay with us?" said Calvin.

"Yeah, and he's taking a long time to bring 'em. It's well past seven thirty" said Patty.

Just then, the two received at knock at their back door.

"Who is it?" said Calvin.

"Paul Revere!" said Charles Wallace's voice.

"Who?" said Calvin confusedly.

"It's Charles Wallace" Patty laughed.

She let the boy in and he entered wearing a white suit.

"Hey, Patty. Hey, Cal" said Charles Wallace.

"Charles Wallace, what's with the suit?" said Calvin.

"Ehh. Mr Cooley told me to dress like a laundry guy" said Charles Wallace.

"What took you so long?" said Patty.

"Well, it takes a while to get from work to home, huh?" said Charles Wallace.

"And where are the boys?" said Patty.

"In the garage. Are you ready for 'em?" said Charles Wallace.

"Cal?" said Patty.

"I'm ready if you are" said Calvin.

"Okay! Come on in, fellers!" said Charles Wallace.

The Redcoats came in and smiled at Patty and Calvin. 

"These are the Redcoats? They look like..." Patty began.

"Chad and Jeremy? Yeah, I thought so too. But these guys are Fred and Ernie. Fellas, this is Calvin and Patty O'Keeffe" said Charles Wallace.

"Hullo" said Ernie with a smile.

"Like hi! Which one is Fred and who's Ernie?" said Patty.

"Have a guess" said Ernie.

"Uh... let's see. You're Fred and you're Ernie" said Patty.

"Try again" said Fred.

"Oh, you're Ernie and you're Fred" said Patty.

"No" Fred joked.

"Oh, don't listen to him! You were right the first time" said Ernie. 

"Oh, I'm sorry, luv. I'm just having a bit of a giggle" Fred laughed.

"Alright. I'm off. I promised Meg I'd help Chad with some rehab tonight. I'll see you guys tomorrow" said Charles Wallace.

"Alright, buddy. Good night" said Calvin.

"Night, Cal; night Patty" said Charles Wallace giving Patty a kiss on the cheek.

Then he left. 

Calvin and Patty let the Redcoats into their living room to make themselves comfortable. 

"Lovely home you have here, Mrs O'Keeffe" said Ernie.

"Aw, gee; thanks" said Patty.

Fred pointed at an armchair and said "That's nice. D'you know what we call one of these in England?" 

"No, what?" said Calvin. 

"A chair!" said Fred in an American accent. 

Ernie elbowed Fred to say "You're silly!"

Then he said out loud, "It's very nice of you to have us."

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