~Chapter Four~

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You were confused. What did Sun mean by "be careful"? When you began to ask, your bedroom light turned off. A crash was heard from Sun falling to the floor.

Sitting up you peer over the edge of the bed. You see red eyes staring up at you. You figured this was Moon since the light was off and Sun wasn't out.

"Hello, Star," you heard him speak out. You backed away from the deep voice that came from the moon man. His head peeked over the edge of the bed. "Don't be scared of me~"

"You won't hurt me, right?" you asked him. You had worry laced in your voice, but it wasn't entirely obvious if you weren't paying attention.

He chuckled to himself, "Of course not. You are the one supplying our home now."

"I never truly agreed to that," you mumbled. Despite it being very quiet Moon had heard you.

He crawled onto the bed, right above you. "You don't have a choice~"

You groaned quietly and shut your eyes. You needed sleep as you could tell that you'd be forced to work overtime tomorrow. "Moon, as long as you don't destroy any of my shit, you can stay. Just let me rest, Ok?"

"Fine," he raised his hands in a surrendering motion. He crawled off of you and left the room closing the door right after.


The alarm that sits on the nightstand next to you began to go off. You turned over to look at the clock.

Panicked you hop out of the bed and began to throw on your uniform... wait... you didn't change out of it last night.

You decided to leave it alone and just pushed it to the back of your mind. You walked out of the room and headed to the living room. You hadn't seen Sun or Moon yet, so you had begun to wonder.

Shaking your head, you rushed to the door. As soon as you put your shoes on you got pulled into a hug from behind.

"Gah!" you yelled out in surprise. You spun your head around just enough to see Sun hugging you. "Sun..."

"Where are you going, Sunshine?" he asked you.

You sighed, "Work." The simple answer seemed to have been enough... enough to ask more questions.


"So I can live...and I guess paying for you now."

He asked question after question. It had begun to annoy you. You groaned and pushed him off you. Without another word being said, you left. You slammed the door shut and locked the door making sure they can't leave. You then remembered that at the back of the door had some things for them to do and not do. You just hoped they followed it all.

You walked down the road and, very quickly,  you got into the Starry Smiles Café. Hopping behind the counter, the place was now open today. Now, people don't usually enter immediately, it takes time. But you were used to that, so it gave you no worries.

Soon enough, someone entered. Looking up, you saw the familiar blonde you first met just about two nights ago.

"Hello, Vanessa," you greeted. And of course, you had a smile.

"Hey," She said as she stood in front of the counter. "I just want a black coffee today."

You nodded and began to make her the hot drink. As soon as you turned away, the door opened, followed by someone panting heavily. You looked at who it was.

"Markus," you began as you looked at the clock, "five minutes late. Getting better, but still need ya on time."

"Sorry, boss," he said as he scratched his neck nervously.

"Better be," you said jokingly.

You then turn back around, so that you can continue to make Vanessa her coffee. The process was fairly simple and quick, so it was made within a short time. You then hand it over to her and sit down across from her so that you can talk.

The conversation was mainly about Vanessa's work. At some point, the topic of Sun and Moon was brought up, but you just said you didn't know where they were. Of course, that was complete bullshit, as they were at your house at this very moment.


At the end of the day, you didn't need to take overtime. Since you "technically" own the place, you could just leave. But, the place needed to be open. Not only that but Penny is supposed to be going through the night tonight.

Now, did you actually own the Café? No. You didn't. It was just, the owners don't show up much, and you are very close to a manager-type status, so your coworkers call you boss.

You've heard the others talk about messaging the true owners to let you own it since they are getting old and are planning on moving away. They haven't agreed and if they have you haven't overheard it, but you didn't want to be the owner, more of just a normal employee. But, if they do end up letting you become the new owner of Starry Smiles Café then you'll be happy.

You lay your head down on the counter and wait for Penny to show. She normally doesn't show up for overnight work, which sucks. You needed to tell Sun and Moon that you'll not be home tonight, but you knew you couldn't leave the place.

The door suddenly opened violently. You look up and see an average-height girl with brown hair tied in a low ponytail. "Boss, I'm so sorry I'm late!"

"I'm surprised you even showed," you said with an eye roll.

"Sorry," she said as she clocked in and went behind the counter.

"Well, I'm just glad you showed up today," you said as you stood up and began to walk toward the door. "And if you need me, you have my number."

"I know!" she yelled out as you got farther from the door. And before you could fully leave the area, you could've sworn you heard Penny say,

"I love you, Boss!"

Heya! Chapter 4 is done and I liked it.
Seems to me that Penny here has a crush on the one and only Y/N.
Wonder what will happen?

Anyway, I hope you all have a great rest of your Day/Night/Evening, my fellow weirdos!

1066 Words

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