Chapter 8

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I was taken back for a while as I stared at the clouds above. How did he figure? Should I deny it but it's been to long since I said anything he wouldn't believe me if I were too.

"A-Amir?" I stutter out, although I had no idea why it came out as though I was nervous. I wipe the blood oozing from my nose with my right sleeve.

"Shut the fuck up talking to me bruh!" He tells me hatred in his voice. Was he really that mad that I'm the leader of Kingpin? 

I felt dumb of course he was, I had been lying to him even though we haven't really known each other long. He did like me.

However still his hatred didn't seem justified, and why was he calling me a monster? I was a killer yes, but a monster? I wouldn't say I'm that.

"You shut the fuck up bitch and stop talking to me like I killed someone you loved!" I tell him in frustration sitting up leaning against the car.  I was tired of his little attitude, it didn't help we were fighting outside of the jailhouse. If we were to continue I'll wind up killing him and I didn't want it to come to that.

Amir grits his teeth, closing his eyes.  He seem as though he was holding back, and this only lead me to question him further.

"How did you even find out that I was a gang leader?" I ask him watching him open his minty green eyes.  If looks could kill then I'd be dead.

"I don't have to answer shit," he tells me. He stands up and I do the same. If he wasn't going to tell me why he was so angry with me then it was no reason for me to continually be in his face.

Besides it's not like we're together or anything? It was just an experiment to me that failed before it even started.

I shake my head sighing, "So why is it that you look at me as though I hurt you?" Amir stares at me before coming up closer and I brace myself for when he tries to swing again. However he doesn't instead towers over me even though he's only two inches taller than me. I still tilt my head up to meet his eyes.

I couldn't tell what he was thinking?

"I'm sorry truth is I found out through my lil cousin. His name is Slim he recently joined your gang." He tells me and my eyes widen Slim is his cousin, now that I think about it Slim did look like him only difference was the color of their skin.

Amir smiles sadly resting his hand on my face. He rubs at the forming bruise, at first I lean in into the touch, then the realization of being called a murder hits me.

I grab his hand removing it off my face yet still held onto it. "What did you mean when you called me a murder? Did I kill anybody that you were close too?" I nervously say to him scared that he might say yes.

Amir hesitantly pulls me toward letting out a shaky breath. "No just overwhelmed with my Uncles death and figuring it had to been a drive by. I just thought about you, and how you associate yourself with those types of people," He says to me and I wrap my arms around him.

"Do you think I would kill someone you cared about? Why would I do that to you?" I ask him putting my head deeper in his chest. Not many people were around to see us hugging like this.

Amir strokes my head running his fingers through my dreads. "Why wouldn't you? What if I was someone you couldn't stand? What if I knew someone you wanted dead, but I was really close to that person would you really hesitate for me Jahmir?" He asks me squeezing me even tighter his voice was calm and smooth but it held a sinister tone to it also.

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