Chapter 1

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Pain, all I felt was pain. My vision was blurred as I stared up at the trees from the ground. My head was spinning and I don't remember what had happened for you to be laying there. I reached up to touch the side of my face and I was met with a hot liquid. I hissed as I touched my head, pulling my hand back and seeing my blood.

"Fuck." you whispered

It was getting dark and you knew you couldn't stay laying in the middle of no where forever. It hurt to move but you pushed through, sitting up and pushing yourself off the ground with your hands. Your head started pounding like crazy, causing you to stumble a bit. Looking around, I noticed my backpack wasn't anywhere to be seen. You checked your thigh holster for your gun but that wasn't there either. You stood against the tree next to you trying to remember what happened before you woke up on the ground.

It's useless you thought to yourself. You remembered the knife you always kept in your shoe, reaching in your shoe to grab it, you pulled it out. Hell yeah. You looked around but didn't see anything you could use as shelter as night was falling quickly. You decided to walk for a while. How did I end up in the forest? Your thoughts were cut short as you heard your radio. You had forgotten all about it until now.

"Th-.. G-.. your sta-.."

It was nothing but static afterwards. You spoke back but all you got in return was silence. I sighed, shifting my gaze back to the ground. Quickly looking up again, you saw a small cabin in the distance. You quietly walked over to it, putting your ear to the door to try to listen for any movement. The sun was now almost down. You walked in but you were met with the smell of a rotting corpse. You gagged as you put your hand over your nose. There wasn't a body anywhere but you could smell one. With the little light from the sun still left, you tried looking around for a lantern. You were in luck. You picked up the lantern and turned it on, walking up the stairs as the smell started to go away slightly but still lingering. There was a bed and a few pictures on the nightstand. You shut the door behind you, looking at the almost empty room. Walking up to the nightstand, you set the lantern down and you laid down. Quickly falling asleep, letting your guard down.

You woke up. The corpse like smell only got worse. It was most likely fresh. Seeing that it was morning now, you got up and grabbed the lantern, taking it with you. You walked down the stairs slowly. You felt someones presence but it could just be because you were paranoid. Getting to the living room, you looked around for a weapon. You opened a drawer that was filled with medication. What the hell is this? You closed it and opened the bottom drawer being met with a pistol. Picking it up, you noticed it was yours. You didn't come here before let alone you haven't ever seen this place in your life. Chills ran throughout your body. You put the gun in your holster and sped walked out the door, leaving the place behind.

For some reason something was telling you to try to radio your team. You tried to push down that thought but you couldn't so you spoke into the radio. "This is y/n. What's your status?" It was silent for a moment but the sound of someones voice came through. "This is Ghost. We've been looking for you. Where the hell are you?!" He sounded pissed but it was Ghost. When was he not? "I don't know where I am.. I-.." Your talking was cut short by someone speaking in the distance. It sounded like Soap. You listened more carefully and it was him. You ran in the direction of the voice. "SOAP!" you shouted still running, seeing him standing next to Ghost. They both looked in your direction and you slowed down, walking towards them as they paced towards you.

"Where have you been, lass?" Soap spoke in a worried tone. You shrugged your shoulders as he looked at the side of your head. "What happened?" Ghost asked as he was also looking at the side of your head. "I don't know.." you said as you looked down. "Let's go." Ghost said and turned his back to the both of you as he walked the other way.


The walk back to the base was really far, you tried to think of why and how you ended all the way out in the forest but the ways you thought of how it could've happened didn't ring a bell. You gave up trying to think about it as you walked into the base, Soap shutting the door behind you. You were met with Gaz bombarding you with questions. "Calm down, she hasn't ate or slept properlly in days goddamnit!" Ghost shouted. His thick accent coming out. "Days?!" Ghost nodded in response. You were shocked. You didn't think you were missing for that long.

You walked over to the dining room, seeing König sitting at the bar as he was eating a sandwich. He looked up at you and his eyes went wide. "You're here? W-when did you get here?" He asked as he put his sandwich down on his plate. "I just got here.. Ghost and Soap came to look for me." You said as your stomach rumbled. It felt like it was going to eat itself, you were so hungry. König nodded and asked if you wanted something to eat, getting up to make food for you before you could even respond. "Yes, please and thank you." He always made food for you and never the others, why? You pushed that thought to the side for right now, thinking about your head. It began to pound again. Soap sat down next to you, assisting your wound on the side of your forehead as if he read your mind. König set down a bowl of soup in front of you, sitting down in his seat across from you.

You hissed in pain as Soap put alcohol on the wound. "Almost done, lass." he said calmly. After a moment of him cleaning you up, he stood up and walked away, letting you eat. You and König spoke every now and then as you guys ate, sitting in a comfortable silence when you guys didn't speak. As you put your bowl in the sink getting ready to wash it, König spoke up, "Just go rest, okay? I- I will wash it. It's late and I'm more than sure that you haven't slept in a while." He said as he rubbed the back of his neck. You turned around smiling at him, nodding your head. You walked to your room and opened the door. You closed the door behind you and took your gear off, laying it on the table in the corner of your room. 'I'll just shower in the morning.' You spoke quietly to yourself as you laid down, quickly falling asleep.

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