Chapter 4

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You were running. You didn't want to look back in fear that he would be right behind you. As you turned the corner, there was an apartment building with a window. The window was close to the ground but not close enough to where you could reach it from the outside. You looked to your left, seeing that there was a fence. It would be hard to get up there quickly but it was worth a try.

"Where are you? It's not like im going to hurt you!"

You heard him laugh sadistically. He was crazy. It was like he was right next to you but he wasn't. He was in the alley next to you. You were afraid he could hear your breathing, or even smell your fear. You quickly tried to climb the fence but lost your balance, falling backward. Your leg caught on the top of the fence, slicing it open as you fell onto the pavement. You cried in agony. You knew heard you. There was no getting out of this situation now.

You heard his footsteps get closer until he was in the same alley you were in. He stood at the end of the alley as it started to rain.

"Ah, there you are, Schatz!"

You looked over at him, you were still laying on the ground. You started to cry more as panic rushed over you. You tried to stand up while you had the chance. Successfully, you were able to stand up but it hurt like a bitch. You couldn't keep your tears from flowing. You turned around, your back now facing him and walked as fast as you could away from him. You were limping so it only made it harder to walk the more you stood on your leg.

"Aw. You can't run away from me forever."

You felt his presence get closer. You screamed for help but nothing. It began pouring. The rain washing the blood down your leg. You tried to run but as soon as you did, he grabbed you by your hair and pulled you back. You fell to the ground. His hand still tangled in your hair, he drug you across the pavement, skinning your elbows and the palms of your hands as you tried to get yourself up. You fought as much as you could. You couldn't give up. There was still hope, or so you thought.

He picked you up by your hair, your feet not touching the ground anymore. He pushed you face first into the brick wall of the apartment building. Your lip busting as he did so. Your eyebrow also splitting open. He turned you around to face him.

"You look so pretty like this. All for me to see. Only for me to see."

You mustered up as much saliva as you could and spit in his face. This just made him more angry. He didn't care about you anymore. You screamed, cried, kicked, punched. You did everything you could but his grip on your hair only got tighter. Your head was pounding. He took out a knife and looked at it, then back at you. He did this a few times like he was trying to think if he should do it or not. It's like he was trying to play games with you. It was sick. The person he is now isn't the person you met before. He was sweet, caring, loving, warm.. what happened? You were pulled out of your thoughts as he stabbed you. You screamed. He dropped you and you immediately fell to the ground. He got on top of you and he pushed the knife back into the stab wound and twisted it. Your screams were strained. All hope was gone. This was the end.


You were woken up by König shaking you. You were crying. You screamed when you seen him. "Please get away from me!" you begged as you grabbed the knife on your nightstand and backed up into the corner where the bed touches the wall. König quickly backed away, not wanting to get hurt.

"Woah, Y/n.. please put the knife down. I'm not going to hurt you. It was only a nightmare. I promise everything will be okay." He was shaken. He didn't expect you to do what you just did. You slowly put the knife down and pushed your face into your knees, crying even harder.

König climbed onto the bed and sat next to you. He put his arm around you and comforted you. "Everything will be okay. It was only a dream, nothing more." You looked up at him as he spoke as snot started running down your nose. You wiped your nose on the sleeve of your shirt and tried to calm down. You matched his breathing and you finally calmed down after sometime.

"Tell me about it when you're ready, okay? Please just get some sleep. It's still really early. We have a few hours until we all have to get up." He spoke softly as he caressed your cheek.

"What time is it?" You mumbled to him.

"It's 3:08 am." König ran his hand through your hair as he spoke. His voice was so soft. It could put you asleep. You nodded in response and you began to get sleepy. You guys have been sitting like this for a moment and you were about to fall asleep on him until he spoke again.

"I'm going to go to my room now, okay?"

"No, please.. can you stay with me?" You said in fear you might have another nightmare. He didn't expect that response out of you but he quickly nodded. He laid you down, covering you up. He did the same right after, pulling you close to him. It felt like you were in heaven. He was so warm and soft. You were glad there was someone here that could comfort you the way he always did. As much as you hated thinking about it, you knew anything could happen between you two. Even with the Task Force. You didn't want to think about it anymore. You focused on the moment now and you ended up falling into a deep sleep.

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