Chapter 13

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When you woke up, Simon wasn't next to you anymore. You looked around the room in hopes he was still there but nope, he wasn't. You sighed and looked at the clock on the nightstand next to you.

7:14 P.M.

You rolled over again, facing the ceiling. You put your hands on your face and then rubbed your eyes. You wished he would've woke you up like he told you he would but at least you didn't sleep too long. You got up from the bed and went to the bathroom, deciding to take a shower. You shut and locked the door, then grabbed a towel from under the sink. You put the towel on the counter and got undressed. You got in the shower and turned the knob to a nicer temperature and then realized you didn't have any of your clothes with you. Your bag was still on the counter in the kitchen. Fuck. You thought.

"I guess I'll just wear Simons.. I'm sure he wouldn't mind." You mumbled to yourself as you grabbed the shampoo that was on the shower rack. You put some on your hand and started massaging your scalp. You did the same with the conditioner and closed your eyes as you rinsed both soaps out. You washed your body, then got out.

You dried your hair and then wrapped the towel around yourself. You walked out to the bedroom and went through Simon's bag. You pulled out a pair of his briefs and a shirt. You went back to the bathroom and put your bra back on, then putting his briefs and shirt on.

You walked out of the bathroom, turning off the light and walked out of the bedroom. You shut the door behind you and walked down the hall, to the kitchen. Soap was sitting on the couch watching TV. Most likely a rom-com if anything. You looked around to see if Ghost or König were around but they weren't. You walked back down the hall to König's room and knocked on the door. No response. You knocked again and still, no response. You took it upon yourself and walked in. You stood at the doorway. Your hand was on the frame as you leaned into the room. You hand was on the door knob, keeping you from falling. You frowned to yourself, not seeing any signs of life in the room, and shut the door. You walked back down the hall and to where Soap was. You sat on the couch next to him and sighed.

"What's wrong?" He asked as he looked over at you. He had his legs on the coffee table and his right arm was on the top of the couch. "Where are the others?" You said as you looked at the TV and then over to him. "Ghost said he wanted some fresh air and König still isn't back." He said and looked you up and down. "Wanna do something?" He looked back up at you and smirked. You thought he was joking so you laughed and flicked him off. He laughed, too.

"Why are you in Ghost's clothes?" He wiggled his eyebrows at you and smiled. "Because I went to take a shower and I had left my bag in the kitchen but I was already in the shower when I had realized and so I just grabbed his clothes when I got out." You laughed and he nodded. You both watched the TV, leaving a silence between the two of you.

"Whatcha watchin'?" You asked him. "It's some stupid romance or whatever you wanna call it." You knew it! He continued talking. "So basically, the new girl is bullied at school and her bullies are the popular kids that are obsessed with this athlete dude and they tell the new girl that she'll never be able to be with him but he ends up being friends with her and blah blah blah. You can predict the whole thing." He chuckled and looked back at the TV. "Was this the only thing available?"

"Yeah, I looked through the movies over there and this was the only one that seemed okay." He pointed to the movies that sat on the shelf above the fireplace. You got up and went to go look through him because Soap's taste in movies isn't the best. As you were looking, you heard him get up from the couch and walk towards you. He stopped and put his hands on your waist from behind you. Your breath hitched and you froze.

"C'mon, let's do something while we can." His grip on your waist got tighter and he kissed your neck. Your breathing became shaky and you knew this was wrong but it felt.. good. You put the movie you were looking at down and turned around to face him. "Johnny.. We can't do this." You looked down at his hands that still rested on your waist. "What if König or Ghost come back and see us like this?" You continued speaking. He stayed silent, his eyes filled with nothing but lust. He moved his right hand from your waist and to the side of your face, brushing his thumb back and forth against your cheek. You blushed and looked away. He grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him.

He picked you up and leaned you against the wall. You wrapped your legs around his waist and looked down at him. "Johnny, we ca-" You were hushed with him kissing you.

You kissed back. You couldn't help it. You were so needy for something and you didn't know why. The last time you were in a relationship with someone it didn't end well but you just wanted to feel something, you guessed. He pulled away from the kiss to catch his breath. "Johnny, we can't do this."

"I know but.. Just a few more kisses?" He looked upset? You couldn't quite tell what was going through his mind. You looked away from him and nodded your head slowly. He put you down and brought you over to the couch, laying you down gently. He got on top of you and spoke. "This okay?"

You nodded and he kissed you. He used his left hand to prop himself up and his right hand explored your body, going over every curve. You wrapped your legs around him. The kiss continued. The both of you pulling away every now and then to catch your breath. You still had your legs wrapped around him as he moved his waist down slightly, causing friction to occur. You moaned softly. This caused him to pull away from the kiss and look down to both of your crotches. He looked back up at you and rubbed himself against you again. You bit your lip and looked away with embarrassment as he was watching your face for a reaction to this.

"I know you said you didn't want anything more than a kiss so I'm going to go shower, okay?" You nodded to him. You're glad he respected your decision. "When I get out do you maybe wannaaaa.. watch a movie?" He asked as he smiled. You nodded your head quicker this time and smiled. He bent down and kissed your forehead softly and got up from the couch. "I'll be back." And with that he walked out of the living room and to the bathroom.

You grabbed the blanket that was resting on the top of the couch. You unfolded it and threw it over you. It was getting dark and it was also starting to get colder. You continued watching the movie that you forgot was on from earlier. You began to think to yourself. You felt disgusting going from guy to guy. First König, then Ghost, now Soap? You rubbed your head in annoyance. This makes you look like a whore. Two guys in one day, too? Neither of you had sex but it was still wrong. At this point you didn't even care about König because he was so distant with you now. It's like he is never there anymore. You sighed and rubbed your temples.

Ghost walked through the door and seen you laying on the couch. He seen you rubbing your head. He walked over next to you and crouched down beside you. "Is everything okay?" He asked softly. "Yes, I just have a headache." You turned over on your right side and looked at him, pulling the blanket up higher to keep warmth. He frowned when he heard you had a headache. He stood back up and bent down to you, reaching his arms out. He picked you up by your armpits and carried you on his side to the kitchen. You put your legs around him and laid your head on his shoulder. He sat you down on the kitchen counter and looked through a cabinet, obviously for medicine. There were painkillers and a few other random pill bottles. He grabbed two pills out of the container, making sure they were actually the painkillers, and gave them to you. He grabbed a water out of the fridge and handed it to you. You downed the pills with the water and sat there. He stood in between your legs and leaned against the counter.

You wrapped your legs and arms around him as you laid your head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around you. You closed your eyes. You could stay like this forever.

Blind | König x readerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant