Chapter 6

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König's POV
I walked through the hall and into Makarov's office. His back was towards the door. He spun around in his chair, facing me. This man was evil but a deal is a deal. My country was in trouble and I would do anything to keep it safe and secure.

"Oh! König! You're finally here." You wanted to punch his teeth down his throat. He was right in front of you. You could kill him right now but you held yourself back. "Ready to get to work?" Makarov asked. You nodded as you put your hands behind your back.

"So, this is the plan. I want you to take out Task Force 141. It'll be a piece of cake!" Makarov said happily like a kid who walked into a candy store. "Sir, with all do respect I cannot do that. I am apart of the team too. I-" He cut you off. "Then I guess.. your little home will be blown to pieces." He smiled. He was going to bomb your country. He made a deal with you since he couldn't take out the Task Force on his own. Makarov needed help from someone who knew the teams tactics.

"Okay, I'll do it." You didn't want to. Oh Y/n.. I'm so sorry.


He told you to act normal and not to give off any signs of betrayal until the mission starts. You had a feeling you were going to get your head ripped off. You knew this wasn't a good idea but your country needed you. You needed it. People were replaceable.

End of König's POV
(Back to Y/n)


Everyone was waiting on König to return so Price could brief us. We all stared at the door, waiting for him. Finally, he walked in. He was gone the whole day. What the fuck could he've possible been doing this whole time?! Price was angry.

"Get in here and sit down. NOW!" Price shouted the last word at him. He ran over to the chair and sat down. Price looked to make sure everyone was here and then looked back down at the table, staring at the map in front of us.

"For this mission, we are going to be paired up with each other so like usual, Ghost and Soap, Y/n and König, me and Gaz. Then there are the Shadows and Los Vaqueros." Price stated as he looked around the room at everyone. You and König made eye contact and nodded your heads in sync. Price continued talking. "Makarov's building is obviously going to surrounded by his men, guarding the place. We need to come up with a fast way to let ourselves in without everyone knowing we are there. This mission isn't going to be easy but I'm sure you all know this by now." He pointed at the map to where we were all going to be.

"You guys will split up in the pairs I'm putting you in. König and Y/n will be on a roof across from Makarov's base. They will be snipping." You smiled at König but you didn't see his eyes smile back at you behind the mask. What's up with him? "Ghost and Soap will go in through the back and me and Gaz will go in through the top of the building." He asked us if we had any questions and he reminded us that the mission would be in exactly three days. This made you nervous. You didn't feel as if you were ready but you knew you could do it. Just get through it and you'll finally have a break. You thought as you walked out of the room, price dismissing everyone. He kept König back to have a talk with him. I'm sure it was to ask about why he was gone all day without contacting or letting anyone know in person what he was doing and where he was going.

"Hey, do you want to practice hand to hand?" Soap interrupted your thoughts as he asked you. You were good in hand to hand but you were even better when it came to shooting.

"Sure!" You said back, he smiled and nodded. The both of you made your way to the training room. You hoped no one was there today. You thought it was better that way when you came here but it's whatever, really. You didn't really enjoy when people watched, as it only made you slightly nervous. You both stopped were walking downstairs. He kept cracking horrible jokes, making you laugh at how dumb they were.

"Why was the strawberry crying?" He looked at you, trying to hold back his laugh. "Why?" You looked at him, doing the same. "Because he was in a jam." You both busted out laughing. The both of your laughs echoed through the stairwell. You grabbed onto the railing of the stairs, trying not to fall over of laughter. You started crying you laughed so hard. His jokes were so stupid and that's what always got you. It was great.

The two of you calmed down as you made your way into the training room. There was only a few people in here. You had forgotten this was still Alejandro's base as you also seen some Shadows training. Soap and you got situated.

"You ready?" He asked as he wrapped his hands in hand wrap. He passed it to you when he was finished. You wrapped your hands and threw the wrap on the ground next to you.

"Always." You replied confidently.

He ran at you throwing the first punch. You dodged it and moved behind him, kicking his back. He fell to the ground as you got on top of him. He laid on his stomach and tried to roll over but failed. You grabbed his right arm and put it behind his back, pulling it back as far as it could go before he tapped out.

"This is too easy." You frowned at him and laughed. He huffed. You got off of him and decided to go again. This time, you ran at him first, punching him in the jaw. He groaned and threw his fist back at you. He kicked your side with his knee, making you stumble a bit but quickly being able to catch yourself. You backed up and ran at him, this time running for his legs. You quickly grabbed his left leg and pulled it back, making him fall face first into the mat. He hit the mat hard, you paused for a moment as you wanted to make sure he was okay. He turned around, and looked up at you. He had a bloody nose and worry was planted all over your face. He seen this and used this to his advantage. A little bloody nose not stopping him.

He grabbed your leg and pulled it, making you fall back. The breath was knocked out of you and it was hard to catch your breath. He climbed on top of you. His nose dripped blood down onto your face and clothes. You tried your best to fight with him on top of you. He put his hands around your neck and tightened them until you couldn't take it anymore. You tapped out.

"Look who's losing now!" He looked at you, wiping his nose and laughing. You sat up, still trying to catch your breath and you laughed with him. "Next time I will beat you!" You said as you stood up. "Uh huh, I'm sure you will." He said sarcastically. He was messing with you but in a good way. He was a good friend of yours. He was one of the first people you met while being in the military and he always knew how to handle situations. It didn't matter what they were. He always gave good advice. It was always nice to be around him. He never made you uncomfortable. He was a very caring person and all he wanted to do was help people. You couldn't imagine a life without him.

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