Chapter 10

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Everyone loaded into their designated vehicles and took off. I was the the car with Soap, König, Ghost, and our driver. You sat next to the window beside König in the front and then Soap behind you and Ghost to his side. You had to admit that you were pretty nervous. Your leg was bouncing up and down due to your anxiety. You felt König's hand rest on your knee.

"Hey, it'll be okay." He said in a hushed tone. You nodded. You heard snoring come from behind you, it was Soap's. You both turned around to face him and then look back at each other. "If he isn't stressing it then I wouldn't either." Ghost spoke up when you turned back around. You looked over your shoulder and nodded, looking out the window again. König took his hand off of your knee and folded his hands in his lap and stretched out in his seat.

You seen him pull out his phone and kind of tilt it away from you like he was hiding something. You got curious so you looked forward, away from the window to try to see what he was doing out of your peripheral but you couldn't. He seen you turn and he quickly put his phone away. What the fuck could he be hiding? First, he was leaving the base and not coming back until late. Second, he was on the phone before we left, and third, this?

You sighed out of annoyance and looked out the window again. You turned to him and spoke. "Are you ready?" He didn't say anything. He kept his eyes in front of him. Okay, maybe he just didn't hear you. You nudged him with your elbow and asked again. "Are you re-"


He cut you off. You just stared at him. You couldn't think of anything else to say. You looked out the window again. This was going to be a long drive, you thought to yourself. He was just talking to you a moment ago and now he won't. He was a very hard person to read unless he was nervous but even then you couldn't really see how he was feeling. It made you upset that he just cut you off like that. You got up from your seat and walked past him. You went to the back row and sat next to Ghost. König didn't even try to stop you from leaving or anything. He just kept his eyes on the road in front of him.

Ghost had his arms crossed and his eyes shut. When you sat down, he opened one eye and side eyed you. "Why aren't you sitting next to him anymore?" He spoke quietly to you, not wanting to cause anything. "You didn't hear him be rude to me?" You asked as you looked over at König and then back to Ghost. "I did but, I didn't know what it was about."

You pulled his head closer to your mouth and whispered into his ear, making sure König couldn't hear you two. "He's been acting strange and I don't know why. He just pulled out his phone and tried hiding it from me. He tilted his phone and everything." You reenacted what he did, showing it to Ghost. He sat up and looked at him. "Maybe he's just trying to focus on the mission or maybe he's just nervous. I wouldn't think too much into it, okay?" He wasn't the best at comforting people but he tried and you appreciated him for that. You shrugged and looked out of the window on your left. He put his arm around you and rubbed your right shoulder. You leaned into him and let out another sigh, this one being softer than the one before.

The sun was almost fully up now. You yawed, feeling yourself getting tired. Ghost put his hand on the side of your head and pushed it down so your head was now laying on his shoulder. You looked up at him, your head still laying against his shoulder. He looked down at you and nodded, "You can sleep." You looked down and shut your eyes, quickly drifting to sleep.


You flinched in your sleep. The flinch woke you up. You were still in the car and Ghost's arm was still hanging over you. You looked over to Ghost and he was asleep. Soap was awake now though. He seen you look at him and he smiled at you. You returned a smile. The both of you not wanting to talk incase one of you woke Ghost up. You looked to the front seat and seen that König was now next to the window with his head against it. Soap spoke up, not caring if he woke Ghost up or not. "I couldn't bare the silence anymore. So, how did ya sleep?" He laughed softly. "Eh, I slept okay. I jumped in my sleep and that's why I woke up." You said, he nodded and looked forward again. You did the same.

"Do you know how much longer we have until we can get out of this damn car?" You asked Soap. It was starting to get uncomfortable. Your ass began to hurt due to you sitting for so long. At least two hours had to of passed by now. Soap shook his head no and asked the driver. "Hey, do you know how much time we have left until we are near Makarov?" Soap spoke loudly to get the drivers attention. "Only about another 30 minutes or so." You both nodded. You leaned back in your seat and shut your eyes. You had hoped this mission would pass quickly but you knew it wouldn't. You opened your eyes and stared out of the window. Your eyes following the trees that passed by as we drove.

You were now in the forest. The trail was bumpy. Everyone else went their separate ways and Price chose to put you and the others with you in a forest. He put everyone in different locations so it would be harder for any enemies to find us.


The driver pulled up next to a cabin and told us all that this was where we would be staying. You were the first one to get out. The cold air hit your skin. It felt nice. You grabbed your bags and walked up the steps and to the door. The driver handed Ghost the keys and he walked up to the door, unlocking it. "Thank you, Ghost." You said quietly. He nodded and pushed the door open, holding it for you and walking in behind you. You both left the two others outside, letting them grab their things and open the door on their own.

König walked in and went straight to go find his room. He walked past you and Ghost, not saying a word or making eye contact. You and Ghost looked at each other and gave a worried but confused look. You both watched as he found his room, open the door, and slam it. The sound echoing throughout the cabin.

König's POV

You slammed the door. It echoed throughout the cabin. You put your things down on the bed and took your knife out, looking at it. You spoke quietly to yourself, "I could kill them off right now.." You stopped and looked around, making sure you weren't talking too loud. You sighed and twirled the knife in your hands. You sat on the edge of the bed and held your head in your right hand. The knife still in your left. You played with it, holding the handle and spinning the tip of it around on your knee. The door opened revealing Y/n. You didn't even hear the knock at the door. If there even was one. She walked in front of me, and stood there.

"Why are you playing with your knife?" She asked softly. She was so beautiful in my eyes. I wonder what she would look like with her blood all over her. No.. stop.

She snapped her fingers at you, pulling you out of your trance. "H-Huh?" You quickly put the knife behind your back. fuck. "König, answer my question." She looked upset. "Why are you playing with your knife like that? You're going to hurt yourself." She sat down next to me and put her hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong?" She asked. You didn't want to talk to her because you were trying to forget about your feelings but they wouldn't leave. You didn't want to hurt her but you were going to have to.

"I don't know what's wrong." You were lying. You thought she may be catching on to your and Makarovs plan but you couldn't tell. "You can talk to me whenever, König." She sighed and got up from the bed. You thanked her and she walked out. You thought to yourself as you pulled the knife from behind your back and looked at it. You laughed in a deranged manner. You were going crazy. Fuck, this was going to hurt me more than it was her.

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