Chapter 15

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You woke up to the sound of the door opening. You rolled over and sat up from the bed. "It's just me." König said softly. You looked over to the clock as it read 12:37 A.M. "Where have you been?" You asked him as you rubbed your eyes. "I just needed some time to myself.. y'know?" He said as he sat on the edge of the bed and took his boots off. You hummed and laid back down. He undressed himself and put some gym shorts on. He got under the covers and you both sat in silence, staring at the ceiling. You looked over at him, "I know that's not why you went out. You went out because of what Simo-"

"Shh." König said quickly as he brought both of his hands to his face and rubbed his temples. You bit your lip in anticipation while still looking over at him. You turned over on your right side, fully facing him now. He moved his hands from his face and looked over at you. "I tried sneaking in through the window so you wouldn't see me. So, sorry if I made your guys' orgy come to an end so soon."

You were taken aback. An orgy? Seriously? "König, we were literally watching a movie. I'd rather die than do that." You spoke. You were angered by his comment. You waited for him to say something but his mouth never opened to try. You shook your head and turned around so your back was now facing him. You felt him do the same thing so your backs faced each others. It felt like forever until you were able to go back to sleep.


König's POV:

1:32 A.M.

You sat up in bed slowly, as to not wake her. You looked over to her body. She was breathing softly and ever so slowly. Oh, how I loved her. You knew you couldn't but you just couldn't help yourself. Her body shifted, nerving you a little. She was still asleep, okay good. Still sitting up, you watched her sleep. It would be so easy to take her away, far away right now and the others wouldn't even know. But, that would kill the fun you're going to have tomorrow. Looking at the clock, it was now 1:56 A.M. Schieße. You laid back down and stared at the ceiling, eventually falling asleep.


Y/n's POV:

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The alarm clock rang through you and Königs room as you groaned. You rubbed your eyes and rolled over to wake König up only to realize there were pillows in his spot to make it look like he was there. This bitch. You sighed as you sat up, getting up out of bed and turning the alarm off. It was 5:00 A.M. so you had about an hour or so to get ready. You were nervous about today. So many things could go wrong but you weren't going to let it get to your head, not today.

You walked over to your bathroom and did your usual morning routine. Taking a shower, getting dressed, washing your face, brushing your teeth, deodorant and then your hair. You put your hair in a low bun and looked at yourself in the mirror. A scar was now visible on the side of your face from when Ghost pushed you on the ground, making you hit your face on the nightstand. You scoffed and walked out of the bathroom, shutting both the light off and door. You put your gear on and then left your room.

As you walked to the living room of he cabin, everyone was there, even König.

You looked towards the kitchen to see Ghost making some coffee as Soap sat on the counter next to him. Looking in the living room, König sat on the couch quietly as he watched the TV. You smiled at the sight and then walked to the kitchen.

"Mornin', Sunshine." Soap spoke to you. Ghost glared at him as he called you 'sunshine'.

"Good morning." You smiled st the both of them as you made your way next to Ghost. "Can you make me a cup?" You spoke softly as Ghost was pouring himself a glass of coffee. He nodded and got a glass out, pouring you some. "Thanks." You said as he handed you the coffee. He hummed and leaned against the counter, sipping his drink. There was some silence between everyone before Soap spoke up.

"Soooo... how's everyone feelin'?" He spoke as he loudly took a sip from his cup, drawing our attention, including König. "Nothin' we can't do." Ghost spoke blankly. "Y/n?" Soap looked at you, wanting you to answer his question.

"Eh.. I guess I agree with him." You said as you motioned your head towards Ghost and put your cup in the sink. You walked over to the couch and sat next to König. He didn't say anything as he just kept looking at the TV, which no noise was coming from. The room was silent and it was a little awkward. You nudged him with your shoulder and looked at him. He looked back with his dead eyes and then looked back at the TV. You frowned and softly sighed.

Ghost and Soap left to their rooms to go get ready. You nudged him again as it was only you two in the room and he looked at you. This time, with an annoyed look.

"What?!" He asked you with a frustrated tone, almost yelling. You bit your lip and backed away from him a little. "Listen.. I'm sorry." He sighed and looked down as he spoke. "But, it just frustrates me that you're so much closer to them than you are me." He almost whined as he spoke. You placed your hand on his shoulder and looked at him. You spoke softly, not wanting to set him off anymore.

"You're always gone.. it's hard to be close to someone that's never around you." You looked away from him and to the floor. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I-" He was about to continue speaking but Ghost walked into the room and spoke loudly. "5 Minutes and we leave so load up!" He nearly yelled at the both of us. König looked at me and nodded. We both got up and walked out of the door.

As we made our way to the car, Soap and Ghost were behind us. "We have to meet up with Price and the rest of em'." Soap unlocked the Hummer and everyone got in.

Soap looked back at us from the drivers seat and spoke. "Lets get this show on the road."

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