Chapter 7

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It was now two days before the mission. Two. Days. You didn't want to panic but you felt like this mission wasn't going to unfold well. You were happy you were going to be sniping with König. It was something the both of you loved and you knew it was going to be fun! You were also just worried about the others. How would they make it in without getting caught? What if one of us dies? What if we all die?! You sighed and decided to take a shower to help your nerves. You needed to stay calm. Taking a bath sounds so good right now. You thought.

You turned the water on, twisting the knob to the left . Warm showers were the way to go. People that take cold showers are psychos. You knew it was better for your muscles but you didn't like being cold. Who does?


Getting out of the bath, you wrapped the towel around your hair and got dressed. You brushed your teeth and washed your face in the sink. You washed your face with cold water instead of hot this time.

You walked out of the bathroom, seeing that König still wasn't back. It's 4:37 pm and he isn't here yet? He had left last night after you and Soap had gotten back from the training room. He left without telling anyone, again. What the fuck has been up with him lately? When he came back you were planning on asking him. If i asked.. would I be intruding in on his personal space? You thought. No that couldn't be right. Usually he would tell someone where he was going, it always ended up being you. Maybe it was something personal? You didn't want to stress about it but you were really curious on why he was never at the base anymore. He always left so suddenly. This was the third day he's left. Was he hiding something?

You shrugged it off, walking to the kitchen. Gaz and Soap were there talking about what their favorite cartoon was and which one was better.

"Listen Soap, Toy Story 3 is superior. It's for sure the best Toy Story there is."

"But you've got it all wrong!" Soap whined. "Madagascar is better." He huffed. Gaz turned around from watching his pizza spinning around in the microwave and his jaw dropped. "Okay but Toy Story is actually cool!" He said, throwing his hands up into the air. Gaz looked at you and spoke. "Tell him Toy Story is better, Y/n." You laughed and nodded your head. "Toy Story is better. Sorry Soap!" You smiled and grabbed a glass of water. You sat down across from Soap. Gaz had turned back to watch his pizza spin.

"You've been waiting a while on that pizza. How long did you put it in for?" Soap asked, turning to see the microwave smoking. Gaz panicked as he quickly opened the door to the microwave and took his pizza out. The pizza burnt a hole in the bottom of the paper plate it was on. He picked it up and went to move it to the counter but the pizza fell on the floor. You and Soap started dying of laughter. Soap almost falling out of his chair. You seen Gaz on the verge of tears, looking down at his pizza. This only made you guys laugh louder. "I meant to put the pizza in for only a minute. Instead I put it in for ten minutes." Gaz said as he picked up the pizza from off the floor, throwing it away. He huffed. "Okay guys, it's not that funny." He frowned at the both of you. You spoke up after laughing for a while longer. "Okay fine, but that was pretty funny." You wiped the tears off of your face and took a sip of your water.

The back door opened. We all looked at each other confused and then looked towards the door. König's tall figure walked through the door. You could tell he wanted to shit himself. He didn't expect anyone to be  in the kitchen.

"U-Uh.." He stared at us as we looked back at him. He rubbed the back of his head and sped walk to his and your room. He slammed the door. "What's up with him?" Gaz looked back to you and Soap. "I don't know.. I'm going to go ask him." You said. You put your cup in the sink and walked to your room. You opened the door and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed. He had his hands on his knees as he covered his face. You could see that he was crying. He heard the door close and he tried to hide the fact he was crying, acting like nothing happened. You walked up to him and sat on the edge of the bed. You put a hand on his back and rubbed small circles, comforting him. He pulled you into a hug as he cried harder.

"König.. what's wrong?" You hugged him back, speaking to him softy not wanting to make him anymore upset than he already was. "I- I don't k-know." He stuttered on almost every word. "Calm down first and then we can talk. Follow my breathing. Everything is going to be okay." He nodded and followed your breathing. After a moment, he was calm. He pulled out of the hug and looked at you. "Can you tell me why you've been gone so much lately?" You wanted to know. Even if he didn't want to say anything, as long as he was okay you were fine with it. You didn't speak for a little. Was he trying to find the right words?

"I've just wanted to be alone lately. I don't have any time to be by myself. The mission is soon and I just needed a moment." It sounded like he was lying but you had to trust him. If he wanted space then he wanted space. He wouldn't just lie to you, right? He looked down to the ground as he fiddled with his fingers. You grabbed his hand to stop him from moving so much. "It's okay, König. I just wish you would've told us, or just me at least." He nodded. "It won't happen again." He sounded sad, like he regret not telling you anything. "I'm sure Price didn't appreciate you not saying anything." You looked at him. "Yeah, he wasn't too happy when he kept me behind after the briefing." You laughed a little. Price could be scary but you couldn't take him serious sometimes.

You rubbed circles on the back of his hand. He pulled one of his hands from yours and put his hand on your thigh. You looked down at his hand and back up at him. "S-Sorry.." He said and took his hand off of your thigh. He looked the other way but you grabbed his hand and put it back where it was. You both stared at each other, inching closer every second. He quickly lifted his mask with his other hand and crashed his lips on yours. The kiss was hard but also soft. You wanted more.

You crawled around so you were straddling him. You continued kissing him, not pulling away as you did this. He set his hands on your waist. You finally pulled away from the kiss to catch your breath. His hands moved up and played with the hem of your shirt. "Can I..?" He asked and you nodded your head quickly. He took your shirt off and threw it across the room. You pushed him back onto the bed and began kissing his neck. He whimpered as you sucked on his neck, leaving some light hickeys. You pushed your knee against him, earning a moan out of him. It was music to your ears. "P-Please don't tease, I'm begging you." You knew you teasing him made him crazy so you continued. You wanted this moment to last forever.


You woke up to the sound of snoring. König had his arms around you and was holding you close to him. You were in your bra and panties still. What the both of you did was very unprofessional but you couldn't help yourself. He was very gentle with you. You loved that. He was a gentle giant. You smiled and looked at the time. 10:32 pm. You sighed and rolled over, facing him. He was still asleep. Your mind began to wander, thinking about so much all at once. You closes your eyes and tried to get rid of the negative thoughts. You eventually fell back asleep.

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