Chapter 8

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You woke up the next morning. König wasn't next to you. You were afraid he may not want to be with you now but why would that happen? The door was cracked. The faint smell of pancakes came into the room and you smiled. You got up, still in your undergarments. You put on König's shirt from last night and a pair of your shorts. His shirt was really big on you. It was comfy, too. You walked out of the room and into the kitchen. König was there. No one else was in the lounge or anything so it was just you and him. You sat at the bar and watched him cook.

"Good morning, Schatz!" He looked over at you and smiled. "Good morning, König!" You matched his energy. He put food on a plate and handed it to you. "I was going to give you breakfast in bed but you woke up." You could hear the slight frown in his voice. "I'm sorryyy." You giggled. "It's okay." He smiled and sat in front of you. You started eating. "How is it?" He asked. "It's amazing. You're so good at cooking." You looked at him as you stuffed your mouth with pancakes. You noticed him get shy and look away. You thought it was the cutest thing. A door down the hall opened. Ghost and Soap came into the kitchen and Soap looked at you in disbelief.

"Uh-, Wheres my food?" He joking got offended and you laughed. Ghost's eyes shifted from Soap to you and they lingered. You felt him staring at you. You looked up to meet his gaze but he quickly looked away. König got up from his seat and spoke. "I'm going to go shower, I'll be back soon, Schatz." He rubbed your back and then left. Soap went to go shower too. It was only you and Ghost in the kitchen. "Price went to go pick up stuff with Alejandro or somethin'." Ghost spoke, not trying to make it awkward between you two. He got a glass of water and sat down next to you. It was quiet between you guys until he broke the silence.

"Who's shirt is that..?" He asked softly. You looked at him confused, not know why he would be asking something like that. "It's König's, why?" The look he gave you said it all. He was jealous. "Why him of all people?" You didn't know what to say to his snarky remark. You looked down at your food trying to muster up something. "It's not even like that, Simon." He quickly looked at you. "Why the name?" He got angry. He didn't like anyone calling him anything different than Ghost other than Soap. "What do you want me to wear yours instead?!" You shouted. "Yes. Yes I fucking do." He got up and stood over you. You didn't look at him as you got up and put your plate in the sink, beginning to walk out of the kitchen.

"Where are you going?!" He shouted as he rushed after you, grabbing your arm and turning you around to face him. His grip got tighter when you made eye contact. You winced. "Ghost let go, you're hurting me." He didn't bother letting go. Instead, he walked down the hallway to his and Soap's room, dragging you with him. Basically shoving you inside. You almost fell but caught yourself. He shut and locked the door. Making his way over to you he pushed you on the bed, climbing on top of you. He held your shoulders down so you couldn't leave the room. He lifted up his mask and tried to kiss you. "Simon what the fuck!" You shouted and pushed him off of you, quickly getting off the bed. You stood up as he walked towards you. He smacked you. He smacked you so hard you fell back, hitting your head on the corner of the nightstand. You laid there as he stood over you. He was panicking. He didn't know what to do. Although your vision was starting to blur, you seen regret painted all over his face.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He kept repeating sorry's as he leaned over you. He ran to his bathroom and grabbed a rag. He wet it and ran back over to you, pressing it on the wound. The side of your head was bleeding. Great, here we go again. You thought. You didn't want him near you. He was acting like nothing had just happened. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have gone that far. I didn't mean to hit you I-"

"Just shut t-the fuck up." You cut him off. You went to stand up. You wobbled but kept balance. You walked out of the room and to the medical part of the building.


You were laying down in the hospital bed. You were there for majority of the day. It pissed you off that you had another head wound. The other one had just healed, god damnit! König was in the chair next to the bed, watching over you. You had told him what happened between you and Ghost. You didn't want them fighting again. It was in the past. There was no reason he should fight him, now.

There was a knock at the door. The nurse walked in. "Hello, Y/n!" She said sweetly. "Your cut will heal in a few days but make sure to keep it cleaned, okay? But make sure to swing by sometime tomorrow so I can look at it and clean it before the mission you're going on." You nodded at her and got up from the bed. König got up out of his seat and the both of you thanked her as you walked out the door.

Ghost walked in the lounge as you guys were doing the same. Good god. You didn't want them in the same room right now. König went to the fridge and grabbed a drink for you as you sat down on the couch. You thanked him and turned the TV on. He sat down next to you and put his arm around you. Ghost let out a 'tch' as he sat on the other couch against the wall that was on the left of the one you and König were in.

"So uh, you guys ready for the mission tomorrow?" He asked. It was awkward. You hummed to him in response and looked for a movie to watch. Again, he was acting like nothing happened. Maybe it was better that way? You decided to just put on Toy Story. It made you think of yesterday when Gaz and Soap were arguing about which movie was better. It's like as soon as you clicked the movie, Soap and Gaz came around the corner talking to each other but stopped as they heard the movie. "BRUH." Gaz pointed and laughed at Soap. He ran to sit on the floor in front of the couch Ghost was sitting in. Soap groaned and went to sit next to Ghost. For the rest of the night we stayed like that watching all sorts of movies. We all fell asleep. You just wanted this mission to be over. If anything happened to anyone here, you would be devastated.

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