Chapter 9

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You woke up but didn't know what time it was. The TV was now off so Price or Alejandro had to of turned it off. You looked around at everyone. They were all asleep. König was laying with his hands wrapped around you. His head laid on your stomach. Gaz was spread out on the floor. Soap had his head in Ghost's lap, and Ghost was still sitting up but he was sleeping. It was still dark outside so that was good.

You shook König awake and told him to come to bed.  He whined softly but got up and followed you to the room. The two of you making sure not to wake anyone up as you walked through the lounge and down the hall. You made it into your room and softly shut the door behind you. The clock read 3:42 am. You had to be up at 6 so it still gave you some time to sleep. He got in bed first and held his arms out. You climbed in his arms and got under the covers. You both fell asleep shortly after.


You awoke to the sound of your alarm going off. You moved your hand to the night stand, trying to turn it off as your eyes were still shut. You knocked it off the nightstand and it shut up. König was still sound asleep. He was sleeping like a rock. You got out of bed and headed straight for the shower. You got your clothes and towel and went into the bathroom. You showered and got out. You made it quick so König had enough time to shower, also. You brushed your teeth, put your hair back in a low ponytail and put your mask on. The mask was just a plain black balaclava. You walked out of the room and seen him getting his clothes out of his bag.

"Good morning, Schatz." He said with a sleepy voice. "Good morning, hun." You replied. He went to the bathroom, grabbing a towel and shutting the door behind him. You put your gear on and grabbed your pocket knife, putting it in your boot like always. You made your way out of the room and into the lounge. You saw Price looking around with a sniper rifle in his hand. He looked over and seen you.

"There you are, I've been looking for you." He said as he handed you the gun. "I just got out of the shower. König is taking one right now so he'll be out soon." Price nodded.


Everyone was now in the lounge. They were all talking and laughing with each other. You were sitting on the couch next to Ghost. König was still in the room, but why? Price clapped his hands to get everyones attention. He stood at a table in the middle of the lounge as everyone stopped what they were doing to huddle around him.

"Today is the day. We are going to take down Makarov." Everyone cheered.

"But, don't cheer yet. Save that for when we are finished. Now, I'm not going to waste much time going over the mission again so does everyone have everything they need?" We all looked around at our gear, checking to make sure of the things we needed. Everyone nodded and Price spoke again. "Alright, well let's finish this shit. I'm ready for a drink!" People started talking again and you got up from the couch and went to go look for König. You walked up to your room door and heard him talking. He was on the phone? You heard him talking but you couldn't hear the other end of the phone.

"I don't want to do this." It was muffled since you were listening through a door. What was he talking about? "After this, don't ask me to do anything else for you. Goodbye, Makarov." Your heart dropped and you quickly backed away from the door. You didn't know what to do. You walked away trying to calm yourself. Maybe you didn't hear him correctly? Maybe he was talking to his family before he left for the mission. That seems like the best answer, right? König wouldn't ever talk to.. him.

Ghost walked past you and seen you deep in though. "Everything okay?" He put a hand on your shoulder as he looked down at you. You didn't want to tell him what you had just heard. You made up a lie. "Yeah, I'm just thinking about what could happen, you know?" You looked up at him and gave him a forced smile. He nodded in response to you and walked away. When he got further away, you sighed loudly and walked into your shared room. König was adjusting his gear and seen you walk in. Your heart was racing. You were scared of him.

You just stood there and looked at him. You didn't want to believe anything you just heard. "Are you okay, Schatz?" He asked. His voice was slightly shaky. He was crying before you walked in. You didn't answer his question and asked one to him. "Why are you crying?" He looked down and spoke. "I'm just scared, that's all." He was lying right through his teeth. You knew he was. He continued. "I don't want to lose you." He walked up to you and pulled you in for a hug. As much as you didn't want to hug him back, you did. You couldn't resist his touch. After a moment, he pulled away and continued filling up his vest with weapons.

"Are you ready?" He had turned around so his back was facing you as he spoke. You hummed in response. So many things went through your head. You went to the bathroom and closed the door. You put your hands on the counter and leaned on it. You looked down at the sink, going deep into thought. He joined the Task Force about a month and a half ago. He knew we were going on a mission to kill Makarov when he joined but did he know before? Why was he on the phone with him and what was he talking about? A knock on the door interrupted your thinking. You opened the door and put on a fake smile. "Price wants us to leave now." You walked out of the bathroom and Price was standing in the doorway. "Ready, kid?" He asked as he smiled.


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