Chapter 5

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm blaring loudly throughout your room. The alarm read 6:45 am. You groaned and turned it off. "Just five more minutes." You told yourself. You had to get up though. Today was going to be a big, long day. A part of you was ready for today since you'll be meeting Alejandro but you could already feel the tension between everyone. You rolled over, taking notice that König was no longer next to you. He probably went to go get ready for the day.

You grabbed your pillow and put it over your face, screaming into it. You put the pillow back down and decided to get up and shower. You grabbed your clothes and headed to go get a towel from the closet but there wasn't any. You sighed. Your social battery was drained. You didn't feel like talking to anyone out there. You walked to the door and opened it, walking out of your room and to the laundry room. No one was up. All the lights were off. You shrugged and went to the laundry room. You grabbed a clean towel and headed back to your room. There was a light at the end of the hall turned on now. It was Gaz's door. It was open, making the hall light up. He stepped out of his room about to go to the lounge. He was already dressed in his gear.

"Mornin' Y/n!" He said as he smiled and walked passed you. "Morning, Gaz!" You responded as you turned to your door, stepping inside and shutting it behind you. You got to the bathroom, shutting and locking the door. You looked at yourself in the mirror. Damn, I look like shit. You thought to yourself. Your eyes were puffy from crying last night and you had dark eye bags under your eyes. Your hair was also a mess. You stripped yourself from your clothes. You felt dirty. The dream you had made you feel awful. Thinking about the dream made you cringe.

You turned the water on, adjusting it to the perfect temperature. You got in the shower and wet your hair. The warm water hugging your body as you stood under it. It felt nice. A bath would've been better for your liking but you didn't have time for that right now.


You got out of the shower after a while. Before you got dressed, you looked at yourself in the mirror. You looked at the scars you had to carry around with you for the rest of your life. You didn't like that they were there forever now but it always reminded you of how strong you were. You were braver than most and you will continue being who you are. You knew it was nothing to be ashamed of but it still kind of made you insecure. After looking at them for a while, you got dressed and put on your gear.

You strapped your thigh holster on your leg and put your pistol in it. You put your pocket knife in your boot. You were glad you carried your knife everywhere you went. It made you feel ten times more secure when you had it on you rather than when you didn't. You walked out of your room and down to the lounge. Everyone was sitting around, you guessed they were waiting on you and you were right.

"Is everyone ready?" Price asked as he grabbed his things. "We have to go meet Alejandro at his base since something came up with his driver and he couldn't come here." He continued. Everyone nodded and stood up from their seats, following Price out the door.

Once everyone was outside, a few vehicles were waiting on us. They were Hummers. We loaded ourselves in and waited on the some of the shadows to load up in another Hummer since they were late. I sat between Ghost and König. Of course. They were both manspreading and it was annoying. König got the hint that I was uncomfortable and he moved to the side, closing his legs a little. Ghost had his arm on the back of the seat, leaning it against me. König seen this as he was scooting over and visibly got jealous. Ghost knew what he was doing. He was doing this shit on purpose. He loved pissing König off, didn't he? Price broke the silence.

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