🗯️The Rumors🗯️

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(In this story, Felix has his black hair, and Hyunjin has his long blonde hair ^^

I will be referring Felix as: The younger or just Felix Hyunjin: the older or just Hyunjin)

Pov's thru story: Felix, Hyunjin, and Author.

Author POV

Felix and Hyunjin were completely different in almost every way you could possible think of.

Felix was a loner, with only one friend, Han Jisung.
Felix was shy, he kept to himself. He wore baggy clothes that didn't stand out, because he didn't EVER want to be the center of attention.
Felix spent most of his time studying, on his phone, or at his friend's house. He never had any interest in being popular, because he always knew that when you were "popular," nobody ever really cared about you.

Hyunjin was NOTHING like Felix. Hyunjin was extremely popular at his university, he had a lot of friends, (one of those friends being Minho) and was always surrounded by people.

Hyunjin was an art fan, he was constantly doodling, and painting in his own time. He wore clothes that made him stand out, and was always getting attention from girls. Hyunjin went to parties almost every day.
He came from a rich family, and never had a worry in the world. Felix and Hyunjin both knew each other, as they used to be best friends, and dated during their high school years.

Hyunjin and Felix both missed eachother, but didn't know how to say it. They were together for so long, but then it just...ended, and they barely spoke to eachother anymore

Hyunjin POV

It was just a normal morning at university for me, nothing out of the ordinary. I got out of my car once I reached the university, and saw my best friend, Minho, standing by his car (right next to mine) waiting for me.
Minho smiled and walked over to where I was.
We started chatting about our upcoming assignment in our history class.
Minho and I decided to be partners for the assignment because we both knew it would be easy.

We were talking for a while until we got into the building, once we got inside, it was dead silent. You could hear a pin drop it was so quiet. I was very confused about the staring that everyone was doing, I thought they were all staring at Minho, until I realized they were all staring directly at me.

I was extremely confused, was I dreaming? Was there something on my face? Or on my shirt? I looked at Minho, who was busy looking at something on the wall.

I looked past Minho to the wall and saw a picture of me, along with a picture right next to mine of my old best friend/ ex, Lee Felix. I was astonished, what did I do, and why were there posters of me and Felix scattered all along the walls?

I was stunned. Suddenly, everyone started crowding around me. My hearing was starting to get fuzzy.

I quickly rammed through the crowd of people to try and find a place to hide, and to figure out what was going on.

I ran to the farthest bathroom down the hall. There were only two stalls in that bathroom, so barely anybody used it. I knew nobody would come in there to look for me.

I walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me, and locking it, grateful I was able to find a place where nobody could crowd around me, and ask me annoying questions.

I finally started to relax until I heard something coming from one of the bathroom stalls. It sounded like...sniffling?

(DUN DUN DUUUUN!!!!) (Take a wild guess at who it is -_-) (Ik, super cliche, but IDCCCC)

Hyunlix ~ ONESHOTSTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang