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Hello everyone :)
As you can tell, I've been gone for quite some time.
I haven't updated anything in quite a while.
No, it's not because I've been busy, but because of the fact I've been extremely unmotivated and felt like I just don't want to do anything anymore.
I'm not sure how much longer I'm going to keep writing.
I enjoy it so much, but at the same time, it's hard for me because I get so upset when I can't think of what to write.
I also always feel like I'm letting my readers down because I don't publish even half as much as I used to.
I'm really sorry for not doing very well, and barely publishing.
I'm trying really hard, but it's just..hard?
I don't know.
And it's not just writing either.
I barely post on my TikTok or Instagram anymore either.
I feel so bad for not doing it, but I honestly can't help it.
I just don't really know where to go from here.
I'm lost in this endless loop of being motivated and inspired to write, then taking a small break, which turns into a week, or two weeks of not publishing because of feeling extremely unmotivated, to the coming back and always apologizing for something I should be controlling better.
What I'm saying is no excuse.
I shouldn't be complaining so much when it's not any of your guy's fault.
I just really feel like you all deserve an apology from me.
I'm extremely sorry, and I'll do my best, but for now, all of my writing/publishing/updating is going to be kinda put on hold for a while until I can start to write more.
I'm very sorry again
Thank you for reading and voting on my stories, it makes me so happy, especially considering this very book has gotten over 6k reads.
I cannot express how happy this makes me.
Thank you for supporting me and putting up with me.
Thank you for being here when I need it.
I appreciate all of you.


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