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I wake up to Megan laying on top of me sound asleep. I'm shocked that she's still here, automatically thinking it'll be a repeat of everything before. But I guess this time is different..... maybe.

"Good morning" I hear

Looking down I see the most gorgeous woman, it's like no matter how much she hurts me; I can't stay away. She has a pull on me.

"What? Why you looking at me like that?"  She ask looking up at me
"I can't admire you" I say staring into her eyes getting lost in them as she giggles

"I guess you can. Can I make you some breakfast?"
"No....cause I'm going to make it for you" I say making her pout turn into a smile

"Why you so sweet?"
"Because I have no choice to be when I'm around someone so beautiful" I say pulling her in my her chin giving her a kiss

That she happily grants me one back. I pull back before it gets too heated, sitting up saying I'm gonna start on breakfast.

As I scramble the eggs I hear a phone go off then it stops. I hear Megan talking on the phone, not wanting to be in her business I pay no mind to it. Till I hear my name.

"Beyoncé will call you both when she's I said. But she's quite busy right now... very- very busy" she says

"Who you talking to?"
"That little couple you was with... ugh I don't get why you went out with them"
"First don't go through my phone, cause I don't go through yours. Secondly, they were there when you weren't"

"How many times I have to say I'm sorry. Cause I am. I'm sorry Beyoncé... I'll do anything to make it up to you"
"Any-thing you want"

Damn, Meg....s-slow down
I beg her as I'm laid on the kitchen table with her between my legs licking and slurping me up like I'm her last meal.

As I feel my legs begin to shake she smiles up at me.

"M-Meg! Meg!" I start to shout so she can stop but of course it goes un noticed then I'm her mouth.

"See Mommy....I told you we were meant to be. Together,forever"

"Together....f-forever" I mumble liking how it sounds as I catch my breath

After finally eating some real food we go back to her room, with the idea of us going out to do something. What, I have no clue. But clearly she does.

"Let's go shopping"
"Cause I want to spoil deserve to be spoiled. Let me spoil you" she says giving me those puppy eyes

"Okay...okay fine you can" I say earning the largest smile from her

With some overly large shades she brought for me and herself we shop; with no interference from a fan or our friends. It's just us.

As we're in H&M I look through a rack of skirts and I feel arms wrap around me and from her scent I know it's Megan.

"What's wrong Mamas?"
"C-Can we go home?"
"Yes we definitely can. Are you okay?"
"T-They just keep looking at me" she mutters letting me know she's in her headspace

"Who?" I ask and she points to a small crowd of people outside the store
"Shit" I mutter realizing that one, people see her a famous rapper in public. Two, that she's in her headspace.

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