18 A new brother

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It was summer now. Ash sat in the kitchen. It was already late in the night. She was writing a letter to Remus. Just the basics, asking how his summer was and when he would be heading over to the Potter house.

Everyone else was already asleep but she enjoyed the feeling of writing a letter in the middle of the night. She liked being able to start her letters with good morning.

She was about to sign it and send it off when a knock was heard. Her heart raced, it was 2 in the morning.

She grabbed her wand and braced herself for an attack. When she opened the door and saw an exhausted and bruised Sirius she let out a relieved sigh. She helped him onto the couch and tossed him a bottle of water.

"You aren't going to ask any questions?" Sirius pants.

"You'll just have to repeat the answers in the morning. Plus, you look tired."

"I'm exhausted Wings."

Ash casted a cleanliness spell on him, "you can sleep on the couch tonight, or you can head to the guest bedroom beside James's room and take a shower. I'm making biscuits if you want one."

"I should tell you why I'm here..."

"I think I already know why. Get some rest okay?"

Sirius scoffs, "I always forget that you have a friendship with Regulus."

"Regulus talks about your parents about as much as you do, or less. I just know Sirius," Ash gets the ingredients for biscuits out.

"I guess I'll see you in an hour."

Around an hour later Ash had just finished baking and Sirius had finished cleaning himself off. Sirius sat in front of Ash with a huff. They eat the biscuits in silence as she adds a postscript to her letter to Remus.

PS: Sirius arrived unannounced. Bloody and bruised. I have a feeling he's staying indefinitely.

Ash sent the letter out but when she looked back at Sirius her heart broke a little for him. He looked so sad like the events of the day had just hit him. He didn't have a home anymore.

Tears were brimming in his eyes as he looked at the biscuit in his hands. What was he going to do now?

Ash walks over to him and pulls him into a warm embrace. It was all so natural, what else could she do for such a broken boy who found his way to her doorstep?

"I don't have a family anymore," he whispered in realization.

"I'm your family, you have family," Ash responds.

She ran her fingers through his hair and he returned her embrace, he had family.

"I'd never be able to thank you enough."

"Good. I like you being indebted to me."

Sirius smiles despite himself, he felt so at home here.

Ash hugged him for a few moments more. The moments turned to minutes. Until Ash felt an hour pass. An hour she spent pretending she couldn't feel the tears seep in through her sweater. Like she couldn't feel the way Sirius was shaking as she held him. As if she didn't know he was crying as he had never cried before. He had lost a family today but he would always have this family.

"What were you doing... before I."

"I was writing to Rem," Ash answers.

"Rem," Sirius repeats.

"Remus Lupin."

"I know who you're talking about. Rem just seems very... I don't call him Rem."

"No you call him Moony. You call me Wings, and my brother Prongs. Not to forget Wormtail."

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