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Harry's POV

I woke up in a nice warm bed. The feast last night made me very fuzzy and sleepy. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and searching for my glasses. I found them on a shelf next to the bed.

Putting them on, I noticed Malfoy sleeping, curled up on the couch. I had forgotten about the fact that we were partners. In my haze last night, I didn't even understand that we were given one bed to share. Thank Merlin, Malfoy had enough sense not to sleep next to me. I shivered in disgust at the thought of sleeping next to Malfoy.

Getting out of bed, I inspected him for a minute. He was still wearing his last night's shirt, which was crumpled. I hated how he looked perfectly innocent, breathing softly on the couch.

I probably shouldn't be standing this close to him, staring, but it was a rare opportunity. I took a step closer. What if he wakes up? I was ready to quip about how he snored in his sleep.

Impulsively, I bent to look at him closely. He was breathing in small puffs of cool air, which in turn fanned my face. His eyes were beginning to have dark circles under them, but this was the most relaxed I'd ever seen Malfoy. His eyelashes clung to one another, a shade darker than his platinum blonde. His eyebrows had that sophisticated aristocratic shape, and without the mask of a smirk, his skin was smooth and pale like marble. My eyes followed the line of his jaw, as sharp as a blade. Against his pale skin, I noticed a small beauty spot right below his ear.

Suddenly, Malfoy groaned in his sleep, and I backed away voluntarily. I was almost sure that he had caught me watching him sleep. No matter how innocent he looked, I knew him for who he was. Malfoy was one of the worst people I had met in my life. And he deserved nothing of this. Always pampered by his family, he didn't know the struggle and pain of being lost. This boy had everything at the tip of his finger. Even love.

I stomped away from him into the bathroom. I needed to get changed for the candidates' meeting.

Malfoy was still sleeping when I came out of the bathroom. I was contemplating waking him up. We were expected early today.

No, it's his fault he can't wake up on time.

I couldn't risk getting late for Malfoy. I went into the common room without a second of hesitation.

"Shall we go?" I asked Neville.

"We are waiting for Luna," Neville said. "Where is she, Padma?"

"She said she'll be there in a minute," Padma said and noticed Luna, "Oh! There she is."

"Hello, everyone," Luna greeted us in her airy voice.

"Now that everyone's here, can we go?" Neville asked.

"Where are your partners?" Luna asked.

"Nott left early," he said.

"Wait! Your partner is Theodore Nott?" I asked surprisingly.

"Yeah," Neville replied. "Didn't you see us together in the carriage?"

"Uh- I forgot," I said.

"Where is your partner, Harry?" Luna asked.

"He is still sleeping," I sighed.

"What?!" Padma exclaimed. "But it's almost time for breakfast. If he doesn't wake up early, then he won't make it."

I shrugged. "Not that I care..."

"Don't you think you should have woken him up?" Luna asked.

"Luna, Malfoy is not Harry's responsibility," Neville interrupted.

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