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I WALKED to work in anger directed at Parker as always, he'd decided to play one of his foolish tricks, where he riled me up and turned the tables around to play innocent, just how much of a dickhead was he?

Liam hadn't come to school for three days, I was really kinda worried, fought the urge to go to the school administrator and ask why. I prayed he was okay or if he didn't pull through, happy with whatever he did. I felt his absence on the rooftop but I'd get over it soon, I'm used to being left and alone.

I got to work, took a shot of tequila to calm down and went to change out of my uniform. My boss was gay and proud of it. It was a Thursday, friends' night, when he invited his friends, who I guess shared the same sexuality as him, over. We always tried to make the night a memorable one for him, so I put on my practiced smile and turned the sign around to 'closed' --they loved their privacy.

"OMG. I still can't get why all the cute guys prefer themselves." May, one of the girls I worked with whispered, while I filled the glasses on their trays up to take into the private room.

"Yeah right. I really wonder what they do there." Amber added. I wondered too sometimes, but I had other things to worry about to bother finding out, like how much my cheeks hurt from smiling too much.

"Obviously fuck themselves." Leo shrugged and they gasped.

" Ewww__why'd you say that? May made a face of disgust.

"A gangbang? They're like 10 there." Amber was rather amused at the thought.

"Yeah I mean if I were in a room with cute ass girls, that's definitely what I'd be doing. No offense."

"What do you mean? We ain't cute?" Amber gestured from May to her.

"Come on, you girls are. I wouldn't mind if you're down." He winked at them then turned to me. "Will could get one while I get one__" I shook my head and he added. "Or I could do both of you?"

"Ewwww__" May hit his head taking her tray away.

"Gross, you're not my type." Amber repeated May's action

"Oww__ oh come on, you girls asked." He retorted, going after them.

I sat bored by the counter, the boss let us get off work by now, once his friends were settled but I just didn't want to go home for obvious reasons, every second out counts. May and Leo had left earlier while Amber stayed to clean up. I scrolled through my page reading the new curses, one called me 'bean douche' .They were really creative with their curses.

My boss walked out the private room holding his phone to his ear saying, "You're here?" In a rush to the front door.

Another one of his friends must've arrived, I heard the Christmas bell --we'd cared less to take off after three months had passed now serving as a door bell-- jingle. I should really get going, stroll the rest of the time off.

I looked up when I heard the footsteps from the door get closer, I called out, "Hey!" when I saw the familiar face before I could mull it over.

"Hey?" Kavien, my boss repeated. "You know him?" He glanced at Liam, then me inquisitively.

"No." "Yes." Liam and I blurted respectively.

"No." I fudged.

He was right, we didn't know each other, just going to the same school wasn't enough. We've only shared one sentence which he spoke. The rooftop relationship wasn't something to be proud of either, besides it was a public place though private to us.

"Huh. That's funny though. Your names__ nevermind. Just a coincidence." Kavien simpered. I doubt any gay would resist him. Scrawny and effeminate. Two words to describe my boss. He subconsciously treated us more like friends than employees.

WILL LIAMWhere stories live. Discover now