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CONTRARY to what I'd expected, Liam was a very decent driver. We made small talks from time to time, the rest just enjoyed the scenery.

I couldn't remember the last time I looked out of a car, took in the view and thought it mesmerizing, most of my time was spent drowning in my sorrows.

I didn't know where Liam was going but he seemed to know his way around and weirdly--I've been using the word a lot-- I trusted him.

I was the kind of kid his mum always told not to get into strangers' cars, especially the stolen or like he said borrowed ones, but Liam wasn't a stranger to me, it felt like we've known each other since forever, like a déjà'vu kind of feeling.

Never in my wildest dreams would I imagine handing my safety to an 18-year-old and not regretting it one bit, not to talk of a sad, jolly one, who a week ago had thought of jumping off a four storey building.

I looked at Liam, one hand on the steering, the other resting on his lap, tapping his fingers like he always did. His eyes were focused on the road ahead, his adorable nose perking up from time to time. He had that pout on his lips, and couldn't deny, he was cute. So cute, like an idol.

I thought of how heartbroken the girls fawning over him would be, when they found out he was gay. He glanced my way, his eyes meeting mine, I averted my gaze immediately, my ears flaring up. Why was I looking at him that long? What would he think?

"This place is pretty deserted.'' I said wishing he'd forget I was staring.

He'd been driving for a while, I've only seen one other car that had sped past us and nowhere to be seen now, we were practically the only ones using the road. Just where the fuck was he taking me? I should be panicking but I wasn't. "Where are we going?" I asked rather unbothered.

"Somewhere. Somewhere special. We're almost there." He flashed me a goofy grin.

I looked out the window, all I saw was pure nature, trees scattered on the horizon, what looked like a mountain or hill, they moved so fast it added to the allure. "Wow." It was heavenly.

A few minutes later, Liam slowed down, I could hear clearly now not the fast rush of air while he'd driven faster. Then I heard the waves, all I could see from my window were trees. I looked over Liam's head and that's when I saw it. The vast ocean.

"Oh my god, that's the ocean?" I squeaked.

The blue sky reflected on the water, giving it a darker shade of blue just like Liam's eyes. The waves traveled from the center of the ocean before breaking on the shore. Slowly and repeatedly.

Liam finally pulled to a stop, getting out of the car and I followed suit, "It's beautiful, isn't it?" He asked as we looked at the ocean from the road.

"Wow, it's __ I don't know but beautiful isn't enough."

We walked down to it, me, practically running. The tide was low, the ocean peaceful. I took out my phone taking lots of pictures, I've never seen anything so beautiful.

"Never seen the ocean?"

"No_ I mean yeah, in movies and pictures not in real life." I retorted. Liam grinned, taking his shoes off and sitting on the shore. I joined him shortly after having a full of the pictures. "Wow, how'd you find here?"

"My dad_dead dad did." That flash of bitterness and anger went again. "Do you wanna take one of those together?" He pointed at my phone, prolly trying to avoid the 'dead dad'  talk, cause obviously I was going to ask this time, my curiosity was getting more nosy by the day.

WILL LIAMWhere stories live. Discover now