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I GOT to the hospital faster than I'd expected. They took him straight to the E.R, while I waited scared, not again.

I'd been here before, only that time it was mum in there and dad sat beside me, telling me it wasn't my fault. It was all my fault both then and now. He knew it, I knew it.

That time a nurse had come out to tell us she didn't make it. I wished the nurse wouldn't come out but also prayed they would to tell me how he was doing. I hated him but he couldn't die like this.

I felt like I've waited for ages when the door finally opened and a nurse came out. The look on her face told me the news wasn't good. I didn't wait for her to get to me and rushed to her.

"How's he doing?" I asked, unconsciously holding the woman.

"Who are you to the patient?"

"His brother." I blurted. Please don't be a bad news.

"Can you call your parents? I can't tell you anything before they get here."

"Please, just tell me anything, is he okay?" I urged the woman.

"He's__I don't know. You know he's anaemic. Let's hope he'll pull through." She said, "When your parents get here, go to the clerk."

Anaemic? Parker was a sickler? I hadn't known, that put the pieces of how weak he was together. Why hadn't I known? Cause I never cared to know. What have I been doing? I couldn't think anymore.My eyes welled up in tears and they fell in turns.

My phone was still in my pocket since I left Liam's house. I took it out, clutching it, what was I going to tell them if I called?

Just then, my phone rang and it was dad. My heart sank to my stomach, my breath unstable.

I picked on the second ring, "Hey son, did you come home?" His worried voice rang from the other end. "I don't know what spilled on the floor and Parker is nowhere to be seen, his phone's in his room."

"Dad___" I hesitated, catching my breath, then blurted in a frenzy, "He-came-to-my-room-saying-shit-about-talking-to-me-I-asked-him-to-leave-but-he-wouldn't-I-pushed-him-outta-the-room-but-when-I-opened-the-door-again-he-was-lying-down-on-the-stairs-I-swear-I-didn't-mean-to-push-him-down-I-just-wanted-him-to-leave-I-took-him-to-the-hospital-and-they're-saying-shit-about-him-being-anaemic-I-was__"

"Breathe, Will. Breathe."

"Dad I__"

"I said breathe." He commanded. I took in a few laps of breath, before he asked, "Which hospital are you?"

I heard Parker's mum yell, "Hospital? What's going on?" Before I replied.

"The one mum was brought to. Collin."

"Okay son. Don't panic, we'll be there shortly." And he hung up, leaving me to myself, if only he knew how badly I was panicking.

They came a few minutes later. I stood, expecting everything as I saw Parker's mum. A slap on the cheek? Accusations of being intentions? Curses? I expected it all.

She just rushed past me to the nurse by the E.R, asking about her son while Dad came to me.

"Are you okay, son?" He asked, with the fatherly warmth I'd missed much more than I wanted to admit.

"I'm fine." My mouth said but my head shook 'no'. That was how my mind felt, jumbled.

"It's okay son. Here sit." He patted my back as he gently help me sit.

"How could you?" There it was. Parker's mother shouted with spite, walking closer to us.

The jabs, the names, accusations, the slap didn't come, instead, "How could you do that to your brother? To your twin. Just how much do you hate us?" She was on the verge of crying.

WILL LIAMWhere stories live. Discover now