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EVERYTHING went back to normal, the slip out never happened. Our interactions when people were around seemed to improve as well, we had mutual conversations when we ran into each other in the hallways, and he even sat beside me in English classes. Like he said, he didn't care.

Everyone had an idea by now we were friends but that didn't make his friends stop hanging around him, which I was grateful for.

I saw Liam every day and when I didn't see him, I was thinking about him. Things went back to normal but not for me. I couldn't get him out of my head, even when I tried to, he managed to creep back in. I'm straight, I told myself each time.

It was a weekend again, it'd been some kind of routine, hanging out on weekends. Kavien didn't seem to mind if I took the day off, he favored his nephew so much to, but I did mind, letting Liam know our hangout ended before 3:00, so I could make it to work. He hadn't argued but followed me to work each time. It was a Sunday and Kavien being a dedicated Christian, treats it as a sabbath day. So we had all day.

We went for basketball at that school we'd gone the first time, we met the guard again, this time he caught us telling us the school didn't mind us using the court as long as we didn't mess anything up. Said that was what he'd wanted to tell us the first day, but we ran away. We thanked him, then laughed silly.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Liam asked when we were lying on the court, facing the sky.

I nodded, admiring the sky, it reminded me of the ocean Liam had taken me to. I smiled, turning to look at him but he was staring at me. He looked up to the sky when our eyes locked like he'd committed a felony.

"We should get going. I need to return Mal's car." He stood, grabbing his shirt and walking towards the entrance.


"What?" He interrupted, "You don't want to go with me? That's okay. Wait in my house, you know the passcode." He was doing it again, that thing he did when he was evading a question.

"No, I'll go with you."

The ride was silent, a very uncomfortable silence. It was clear none of us was going to break it. I felt the question biting the tip of my tongue but I didn't dare ask it. Why? I didn't know.

We got to Mal's house, he wasn't home, neither was Kavien. He could've just left the car there but didn't, saying he'd bring it back later. I didn't complain, who says 'no' to a free ride? If only the free ride wasn't suffocatingly silent.

We went back, got a few snacks on the way and we played video games. Liam was a video game freak, he always won and let me win a couple times. I was better at card games though.

We chatted, ate, played, just as always making my weekend a blast, forgetting whatever thing that happened.

We were splayed on the floor like on the court earlier, a bag of chips laying on our chests where it was reachable, when Liam asked,"What did you do on weekends before me?"

"Went to cafes, shopping, anything or sometimes just locked myself in my room, till it was time for work.'' I stuffed another handful of chips in my mouth.

"Must've been fun." he replied sarcastically, then in a whisper, "Sundays are my favorite days."

"Why?" I whispered back.

"I get to spend the whole day with you." He said it with so much sincerity, I felt blood rush to my cheeks.

"I guess it's mine too." I replied slowly.

What was that? Did he just flirt with me? Maybe he did and maybe I did it back. Maybe I liked it a bit. No, no I didn't, I'm straight.

"Wanna go somewhere with me?"

WILL LIAMWhere stories live. Discover now