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I LAY down on my bed that day, thinking about everything, with Liam at the center of it. How much effect he had on me, maybe he was reeling me into helping him 'make a scene' but I wasn't gay.

I thought I wouldn't be falling asleep but weirdly, I fell asleep. Didn't know when, didn't feel it until I woke up the next day, later than I usually did.

For once in a year, I had a comfortable sleep and I knew that day with Liam was the best I'd had in a year too. I knew it when my closet opened and closed there was no going back for me.

I walked to school because Parker and his family had had a session about why I was late for my curfew last night, I ignored them and stormed out as always. Walking to school takes more time and I got to school late but evaded the punishments with being an ostracized senior.

I couldn't wait to see Liam but when I saw him, I don't know what happened but I kinda avoided him?

I was walking to my first class, geography, when I saw him sandwiched between friends as always. He called out to me and all I did was smile and walk past them.

I guess I panicked, seeing him with friends which I didn't have, knowing how he'd feel if they suddenly turned on him because he was hanging out with a freak. That wasn't pleasant, I knew it too well.

I saw him again during the fourth lesson, the one before lunch break. It was the only class we shared, English. With Parker too.

I was seated in class, in the last row where I always sat, when he walked in with his friends. Our eyes locked for a second and I looked away, bowing to look at my book that in no way interested me.

I heard resounding steps getting closer to me. I was in a frenzy, why'd he come to me? Oh because I was an ass. I sighed, getting ready to make a fool of myself.

The footsteps stopped, when it got to my side, I braced myself and looked up, but it wasn't him.


I sighed disappointed or excited, I couldn't quite decide.

"Hey dork__" He started as usual, again drawing their attention to us.

I had the urge to peek at Liam and see if he was looking at me. He always sat in the second row with his friends, bet he wouldn't care, but I didn't.

"Do you hate my mom that much?" Parker asked in that disgustingly pitiful voice of his that I was fed up with. Can't he decide, either be pitiful or not. "She was just caring for you," he went on.

I glared at him, for a moment I thought I saw a twitch of sadness or was it guilt? In his eyes, but I knew better. It was all pretense to buy pity from the now interested classmates with stares of hatred directed at me.

"Don't you ever get tired?" I scowled at him, "Yeah, I'm a dork. An unsympathetic, heartless, homewrecker and whatever else it is you guys call me. Do you need to stir up shit every time you see me?"

I was tired of it, I never really paid him any attention but I retorted this time. Maybe it was knowing Liam could hear, I kinda didn't want him thinking so bad of me.

"Wow, you replied. That's new." He smiled. Shit, I hated that smile. I hated him enjoying my misery and my mum's. I hated everything about him. "School is the only place I can talk without you running away. Brother."

"Running away? Brother?" I stood, making him stumble backwards a bit to give me room. "Be it in school or anywhere, we don't know each other. Don't play brother on me."

"Why can't you just accept it? We're brothers now and there's nothing you can do about it." He yelled.

I was a second away from pummeling his face, with a rolled up fist, like I had when all these had freshly started, before I felt someone drag my hand, out of the class, amidst the gasps and past the teacher who was just coming in. I didn't need to check to know who it was, I had been dragged enough to know it was him.

WILL LIAMDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora