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I DIDN'T know how long we stayed there, we didn't bother checking the time, but decided to go back when Liam complained of hunger, I was hungry too.

The sand glued to our clothes when we got up to go, but we managed to get it off. Liam made conversations on our way back, it was mostly about Kavien and him, I could see they had a good relationship.

The ride back to the city seemed shorter, we got to the bungalow in no time. "Oh shit." Liam gasped in a whisper when he pulled up to the garage and saw a man in maybe his 30's or early 40's sitting on a rocking chair in the patio. If the oh shit meant what I thought it did, we should be on our heels.

"Will, you took my car. Again!!" The man said when we got out of the car. I'd thought it was me cause he called Will but Liam had the same first syllable in his name as well. "How many times has it been?" His voice was growing in annoyance.

Liam was right when he said he wasn't stealing the car, the man obviously knew him but also wasn't happy with a teenager driving his car around town. "And who the fuck are you?" He turned to me, and I gulped.

"Run!" Liam whispered, grabbing my hand and making a run for it before I could register the words.

He gotta stop doing that, maybe give me a warning_oh he did. Just like earlier, only faster this time, he was pulling me through the streets. I could hardly catch my breath, I had to take in heaves of air. I kept asking him to stop, doubting the gorgeous looking man was even after us.

He finally stopped when we got to the diner, taking the same table we'd taken earlier, trying to catch our breaths. The guy who'd served us, whose name --as Liam called him-- was Cian, gave us water and I took large gulps.

"I'm never hanging out with you again."

He snorted, "You said the opposite on the shore"

"Never said that." He ignored me, taking gulps of his water too. "Who's that man? Why do you keep borrowing his car? He could call the cops, you know."

"Ooh, that's Malaki, Mal. He won't call the cops, he's Kav's boyfriend. They should be getting married soon, and he has nice cars." He drooled when he said nice cars.

"Kavien's boyfriend?" I gasped. I've never seen him before, I knew my boss was gay but didn't know anything about his private life. Liam must be close to the Malaki to always borrow his cars. "Should you be telling me this?"

"I don't think Kav minds." He placed our orders with Cian and added, "Besides you were curious."

"He called you Will?" More curiosity loading.

"Yeah, he doesn't get the Liam thing, he prefers Will."

Liam had many other places he wanted to take me, like bowling, ice skating, the movies, basketball and etcetera. I was surprised he didn't mention golf.

By the time we finished our food, it was about 6. How much time flies. We settled for basketball since that seemed like the one I could do and he made plans to teach me the rest, so we could visit them some other day.

Liam was so good at it, I wasn't bad myself. I played a lot before mum's death with my friends but__ you get the gist. I was a little rusty, but Liam patiently waited for me to catch up.

We had sneaked into some school, Liam was the kinda kid you'd get into trouble for hanging out with but I didn't seem to care.

A guard caught us after a few games and we ran to the bus station, jabbing each other and laughing our heads off.

WILL LIAMWhere stories live. Discover now