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It was the middle of the day. The sun was shining the kids were playing and the people were working. One boy named Nathan was in the sand with his friends.

All was well until a sudden strong wind picked up. It was so strong that people started to fall over and trees fell. Then the ship came into view. The grass beneath it burned and the people started running. The doors to the ship opened and strange alien beasts came out and started to attack the village. An alien which looked to be in charge shouted in an unknown language, and the others started to capture the citizens.

Nathan ran and tried to find a place to hide. However he was running out of time with more people dead or dying, and many more taken captive, he was one of the only remaining people, meaning he was a target. Buildings were destroyed, and the church at the top of the hill totally caved in.

Finally he was able to find a hiding spot while the aliens were distracted. He hid in a abandoned building hidden by the dunes. It was damp and completely dark inside of it. What felt like hours past until the aliens finally left. He waited another hour just to make sure that he was in the clear before heading out.

Everything around him was ruined. Buildings destroyed, roads crumbled and not an alive person in sight. Bodies layed everywhere. He was the only living person on the planet. Or at least at his village.

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