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   ---Thirty years later---

   Elz was sitting in his restaurant: Elz' Diner.   He felt like doing something new today. His life had been mostly the same with him finding a spouse and settling down to live a quiet nice life on Emoh. He decided to venture back down into the caves. He collected his sword and food. He reached the bottom and started heading in the direction of the lab. He visited the dwarfs for a bit before continuing on. Once he made it to the lab he headed up to the fourth floor. There Corabil was buried along with his people. Elz just stayed there to watch the nature as it overtook the lab. And reflected on his life and how amazing and unbelievable it was.


   Hello everyone! Thank you for reading my first proper book. I hope you really enjoyed this journey. I will be making a second book in this world but it will be with diffrent charecters. I hope to continue to make and explore this world of my imaginations! I jad a great time writing this and would appreciate if you went ahead and commented some feedback for me. With that have a great day and I will see you all again when my next book is made! Goodbye!

wrecked and ruinedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora