Chapter 17: Neila

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   The party arrived to Neila to find the planet was completely flooded. The only land was on metal platforms breaking the surface of the water. The group remembered that the atmosphere most likely wont be breathable so they all put on their gas masks but Cobalt who doesnt need one.

   The platforms were all meshed together to make a large solid area where a large base was built upon. It seemed to be the only building on this small unnoticable planet. They landed on one of the open ones and hurried inside the base. It was a metallic wimding path throughout, with many large open rooms connected by small thin corridors. The base was made up of octagonal steel platforms, which were about  five metres by five metres large, and had a blue octagonal ring in the middle, most likely power coords. The first room the group entered was a greenhouse esk room.

   It was filled with colourful amd strange plants. Some had large jaws that could crush anything put into their mouths. Others had beautiful greens amd blues in a wavy petal pattern. No few were alike. However they couldnt marvel for long, as they heard a blaring siren noise coming from the speakers overhead, with a warning of intruders.

   Soon they were running, guards chasing after them. "Where are the prision cells Cobalt?" Elz asked. Cobalt summoned a pink glow and pointed in the direction the cells were. Before they could go there, guards came in from each side.
   "Go Cobalt wait for us there and free the prisioners!" Elz ordered. Then he, Nathan, amd Camella all turned to face the guards. Camella taking out a shotgun, Elz his sword, and Nathan his battleaxe. The guards started to shoot at them. Cobalt saw that there was no way to survive and casted a healing spell around them to make sure they dont instantly die, before continuing to go amd rescue the prisioners.

   Each guard looked similar. The speicies itself had a hreen to blue skin and their heads looked like squid. The only diffrence was the colour of their skin eye, and shape of thier fin. However the soldiers were all suited in golden brown material and each soldier had an arm replaced with a metal ome. These metal arms had powerful laser cannons on the end of them. Elz swiftly cut off one of their robotic arms, while Elz started hacking at them, and Camella shot two.

   The fight continued with the three gettjng minor injuries and the whole guard squad that attacked them getting disarmed or killed. The three ran in the direction that Cobalt had indicated and found the prision block. Once they made it steathly avoiding the guards, they found Cobalt trapped in a electric netting, surronded by guards. The guards turned around and shouted calling in more guards who quickly surrounded the group, and with only seconds to live Elz was called back to the Eather.


wrecked and ruinedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora