Chapter 11: Eather

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   Elz looked around. He was in a island in the sky. Below him he could see other islands. the sky was painted a beautiful pastel pink, the grass a fluffy light green. The clouds in the sky looked like you could just sit and float on them all day without a care in the world. This was all wonderful, but where was he? A moment ago Elz was inside a cavern watching his only friend being ripped apart, and then a flash of light, and now he was here.

   Is this heaven? Is this the afterlife? Elz had no idea. In front of him was a huge golem. It was made of stone, dirt, moss, and flower. It was living and breathing but Elz had no idea how. The golem motioned for Elz to follow it, and so he did. He found himself exploring a boundless world, full of possibility. After passing through forests and towns he found himself infront of a large palace. A palace made for kings and queens. A palace made up of marble, gold, and a beautiful green rock he had never seen. A Xonoli approached Elz.
   "Come with me Sir Elz, the spellmaster wishes to speak with you," the Xonoli said.

   Elz entered the palace as the Xonoli told Elz about the place he was. "Welcome to the Eather, home of the spirits. The golem who led you here is the guide spirit. Each spirit here is a spirit waiting to be recruited by a talented spellcaster like yourself. We brought you here to let you recruit a spirit," The Xonoli said.

   As they made their way to the spellmaster, Elz learned the history of the Eather through pictures engraved onto the walls. He learned of the great spirit maker and how the spirits came to be, and how they built the Eather. Soon they made it to the spellmasters room.

   "Welcome to the Eather Elz. I hope you have had a pleasant trip here," A magician - likely the spellmaster said.
   "Yes sir it has been wonderful!" Elz replied.
   "As you may have guessed I am the spellmaster. You have been brought here to collect an Eather spell of your own," The spellmaster said. Elz was filled with wonder and excitement. It was finally time for him to become a great mage.

   "The process to learn an Eather spell is difficult, or more so complicated. You see you'll want the spirit best suited for you. That means one that fits with your personality, style of magic, and ethics. You don't even know who you are Elz," The spellcaster said.
   "I know who I am!" Elz replied.
   "Then tell me Elz, who are you?" The spellcaster questioned.
   "I am Elz, a great magician who has yet to unlock his full potential!" Elz said confidently.
   "Then what are you Elz?" The spellcaster questioned.
   "I dont know. I have been locked up too long," Elz replied realizing what he has lost.
   "To complete your journey and find out who you really are, you must find a knowledge crystal hidden in the depths of the Eather. Under this very palace infact! Find it and you will discover yourself," The spellcaster said, giving Elz a mission.

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