Chapter 14: Saving grace

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   Elz found himself in the exact same spot that he disappeared from. He saw that Nathan was still in the same spot and Corabil was staring at him in shock.

   Elz quickly jumped into action summoning his Eather spell: The spirit of guidance, the stone golem. It sprung into existence and Elz ordered it to stop Corabil and somehow save Nathan. The golem was soon stopped by the shadow spirit however. This was not good at all for Elz. The two started to attack eachother when Elz saw another way. He started running. He made it to the elevator and called the golem to him. They rode down to the first floor. Then Elz started running. He knew there had to be a way to turn it on and off. He started to look, but Corabil was smarter than that, so while Elz looked and got the golem to help, Corabil just stayed.

   Nathan's transformation was almost a quarter done. It would take another hour for it to become irraverable and another two after that for it to be finished. Elz had already been searching for 50 minutes. How he went through the Eather in only 10 Corabil had no clue. Elz eventually realised he must have been wrong. He couldn't waste this much time looking. It would only work to face Corabil head on. So Elz returned to the fourth floor and went out to meet Corabil. He ordered the golem to hold Corabil, while he freed Nathan. Elz then searched Corabil and found the remote.

   With a quick button press Nathan would be free and - there was a 8 digit code. Elz was so close and yet so far. He had Corabil in the palm of his hand and literally the remote to save Nathan, but he had 20 minutes and no code. What could he do? That's when he remembered the fact that he had control over Corabil, so he told Corabil, "If you don't give me the code towards saving my friend then I will get my spirit to crush you," but the golem shook its head.
   "I will not hurt anyone," the golem said. It's voice rough and gravelly, but wise, calm, and soothing at the same time.

   Elz noticed the shadow spirit hovering idly. Then it summoned a shadowy flame and the platform fell. Nathan fell down and was completely unconscious but healed.
   "WHAT?! WHYYYY??" Corabil shouted raging.
   "Because they don't deserve this and neither do you. Corabil, you have disrespected me and treated me like absolute garbage the whole time I have served you," the shadow spirit said. Then it summoned a light aura around itself and disappeared.

   "Let's get Nathan and go my rocky friend. What should I call you anyway?" Nathan asked the golem.
   "Call me Cobalt, the spirit said. I am Cobalt the rock golem, spirit of guidance and wisdom," Cobalt said. Then Elz took up Nathan and with Cobalts help made it back up to the surface, jusing Cobalt to dig a way safely up. They were on top of a large hill overlooking the abandoned town Nathan knew as home. It was midday and the two sun's shined in the sky casting warmth over the desert planet. Then Corabil arrived with a rage that set itself from others. A rage so powerful it would kill them all.

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