Chapter 10: Come Home

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   Elz looked on in horror as Nathan's body was being ripped apart slowly, agonizingly, as Corabil started to talk.

   "A few thousand years ago, this planet was beautiful. Full of lush Oasis' and large temples to serve the spirits. One day a group of around 75 humans came to our world. We greeted them with open arms, but something was off. Something was wrong. They industrialized the planet, and took over with brute weapons, killing many of the Xonoli. Then more came. They destroyed our temples for their 'gods' and assimilated our species. They pilliged the land of its resources and then left, leaving few to fend for themselves. With the reasources for their government collected the few left had to start over like cavemen. We were still killed and hunted like animals however. Soon the last of me and my family hid. Eventually the humans found us, and soon I was the only one left. This is why I crave revenge. For how much my people were wronged." Tears were streaming down Corabils face as the realization that his journey was finally done.

   Elz then started to glow. He was overcome by a bright light, and soon he disappeared, leaving Corabil dumbfounded. All that was left was Nathan in agony, Corabil in shock, and a shadow spirit angry at being undermined of power.

wrecked and ruinedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ