Chapter 12: Into the crypt

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Elz was now set with a difficult task. However it was a task that could save Nathan's life. The Xonoli motioned for Elz to follow them. Elz started going, and soon they reached the backyard of the palace. All Elz could see in every direction was different spirits, all in harmony. None of them were fighting or shouting or being mean to one another. Instead they were playing, and singing, and giving each other gifts they conjured up with their magic.

But Elz couldn't marvel for long. He had to go and continue his journey. Soon they reached a mine entrance. It was all the way at the edge of the island the palace was upon.
"This is where I must go. Good luck Sir Elz, and may the spirits guide you," The Xonoli said. The Xonoli then walked off back to the palace, to complete their next task.

   And so Elz started his way down into the depths of the island. Soon he was deep into the island. The caves were held up by wooden stilts and lit by old dusty lanterns. He continued down the stone path for a while. He didn't really know how long. Soon enough his stomach started rumbling. He remembered that he must not have had food for around two days now. He started going through the barrels on the side of the walls. Luckily through their trips the two packed water and some food. They still had some water but he was out of food.

   He kept looking through the winding cave. It took some time and he was now very deep but he found a box of ripe fruits and vegetables. He took a few and put them into a pouch he had on him. He ate a few fruits and continued on his way. After a while he made it to a larger cave. It was not unlike some of the caves they found in the dungeon. On the side was a beautiful sleek sword. It was made of a nice iron with a golden core and handle. It was perfect for him. He took it and found a sheath not far away.

   Elz continued to go through the cave and found a tome named 'the secrets of a magician.' Intrigued Elz opened it to find it was empty and taking it triggered a trap. The ground started to fall from beneath him and Elz had to quickly step out of the way before he fell to his death. He placed the book back and the ground reverted to normal, and he could continue.

wrecked and ruinedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon