Chapter 7: Void

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   "Welcome to the great underground headquarters!" An eerie voice said, too close for comfort. Nathan and Elz looked around but they couldn't see anything, as it was pitch dark everywhere. It was like they were floating in a great void. True void. They could see nothing. After what felt like hours, they began to finally see. There eyes adjusted, slowly and eventually they could make out key details of their surroundings.

   They were in a large empty room, made of steel walls and flooring. There were no doors or speakers. How the voice talked to them, they had no clue. After another couple hours the lights began to turn on. Slowly they turned brighter and brighter until Nathan and Elz could see the features of the room with ease. One of the walls opened, into what looked to be the lobby to a hi tech facility. They stepped in, not sure what to expect.

   A entity, moved into the room. It had red skin, blonde hair, black eyes, and a very well made black suit and tie. "Hello humans," it said, "how are we today?"
   "What are you?" Nathan asked, "and where are we?"
   "Ah confused. That makes scence," the entity said. It's voice seemed to match up with the voice they heard in the steel room.
    "As for your questions, I am a Xonoli. The last, the Xonoli said. "My name is Corabil, which translates roughly to inventor in your language.'
   "Why are we here?" Elz questioned.
   "Because I am seeking a subject for my ultimate goal," Corabil said.
   "What's that?" Elz asked, interest filling his eyes.
   "To turn a human like you into a Xonoli, so my species won't go extinct. You see to reproduce, we simply need two Xonoli to go to a special, incredibly rare, gem and hold it. I have the gem. Not the Xonoli," Corabil explained. Trying to hide his true intentions. "It took me 7 years to get the gem. Now all I need is one human to agonizingly transform into one of me, and I will leave you alone."

   There's a gem that can instantly create others? Nathan thought in wonder. But also how were they going to get out of this absolute mess? An alien is trying to transform HIM into one of their kind. Although Nathan didn't know if Corabil knew that Elz wasn't human. They would find out soon enough though.

   "I am not going to let you turn my friend into a Xonoli," Elz said assertively.
   "How are you going to stop me exactly?" Corabil asked. Then Elz grabbed Nathan's hand and ran. Nathan picked up his pace and ran with Elz.
   "I should have though of that," Corabil said. "Nevermind, there is no way for them to actually leave. Not with the power of revenge and wrath chasing them."

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